Vaccine makers can’t be sued, are we getting screwed?

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Hello again.  I hope you have read my previous post on keeping an open mind when looking at vaccination.  You could say if we are putting vaccinations on trial, you should read my opening statement before reading this one.  I am going to build a case point by point, post by post that we need to rethink our approach to vaccination.  Am I an anti-vaxxer?  Not entirely, I believe there is some merit to the principle of artificially creating immunity, but in the paradigm we are in right now where safety, vaccine ingredients, lots of injury, low level of testing, false information, and Big Pharma’s huge conflict of interest in the highest levels of the FDA and the WHO make it very difficult to trust any vaccine.  And then there is the topic of this post, VACCINE MAKERS CANNOT BE SUED!!

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Did you know that? No matter what happens, no matter how severe, or even death.  Vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued in Canada or the US.  In Canada, the way the Canadian Law is written, judges cannot rule someone was at fault.  Vaccine Injury Class action lawsuits are not allowed in Canada or the US.  In Canada (not Quebec) you are double screwed if you or your child receives a vaccine injury because there is no vaccine injury compensation program (Quebec is the only province with one).  You might be saying, what is a vaccine injury compensation program?

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In the US, there is a program which compensates those who can prove they were injured by a vaccine, called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) run by the Federal Vaccine Court.  Most people don’t even know this program exists as its not advertised, for obvious reasons.  Its actually very hard to prove causation, so you need very strong evidence with all your t’s crossed and i’s dotted.  Even with these stringent requirements and with the program being barely known, it has payed out $4.3 billion in vaccine injury claims to 7211 plaintiffs.  Another 11,471 were denied claims.


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To top it off a report from the Department of Health and Human services has found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”  So if fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported and “only” $4.3 billion has been paid out so far.  If all vaccine injuries were reported then you could easily be multiplying that $4.3 billion by 100.  And this is only America!! So for those of you that say vaccines are safe, multiply that out and as Samuel L. Jackson said in the movie “Coach Carter”, “those are some stats for your ass”.  I’m sorry for the jab, but I love that line and I had to get it in there somewhere, and these unavoidably huge stats seem perfect.   Just having some fun.


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Where does the money come from if you can’t sue the vaccine maker?  Well, the fund collect a 75 cents tax on each vaccine given.  If its a trivalent (a triple vaccine like MMR or DTP) vaccine is given then a $2.25 tax is paid each time.

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If you are a Canadian like me, you’re probably saying, “so if my child receives a severe injury to a vaccine I am SOL?”  You got it.  I was very surprised when I found this out because we as Canadians take great pride in our health care system and the protections our country gives to our human rights.  I’m a proud Canadian, but this is an embarrassment in my opinion.  If the government pushes the use of vaccines, do they not have an obligation to help those that get injured due to this program?

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A CTV News report in 2011 described the legal situation in Canada regarding vaccine injuries:

“[Jennifer] Keelan says currently the only recourse for people who have been injured by a vaccine is to sue the vaccine’s maker or provider. But there has not been a single successful civil lawsuit for medical injury related to immunization in Canada, she says. ‘These are very difficult cases to prove in court,’ she says. … Not only do victims spend money trying to fight the cases, but so do the vaccine makers. ‘And so nobody wins. There’s money spent and the only people that win are the lawyers, really,’ she says.”

What countries offer a vaccine injury program?

Canada is the only country in the G7 that does not have a vaccine injury program.  CanVax gives a list of the countries that offer this program.

Table 1. Jurisdictions with VIC Programs (including the year of introduction)

Table 1. Jurisdictions with VIC Programs (including the year of introduction)Sources: Looker and Kelly, 2011; Attwell et al., 2019

This doesn’t look good for English speaking Canada.  The fact that vaccine makers can’t be sued is bad enough, and then you see that Canada is way behind in protecting its people when it comes to vaccine injury.  Some might argue that vaccine injury isn’t a pressing issue in Canada and that it simply hasn’t been needed.  Sorry, our government is well aware of the problem and has done nothing.  There is a website run by a Canadian, Bob Martin, that is pushing for this program.  Bob Martin, got a flu shot in 2009 which caused Guillain Barre Syndrome, a rare autoimmune disease which can lead to progressive paralysis and death.  The website reports,

“In 2011 a report written by Jennifer Keelan, assistant professor at the University of Toronto’s Dall Lane School of Public Health and Kumanan Wilson of the Ottawa Hospital Research Insititute at the University of Ottawa argue that because vaccination is a cornerstone of public health and strongly encouraged – even mandatory in some cases – there is an ethical obligation to compensate people in those instances when they suffer disability or death as a result. They argue that Canada should create a no-fault compensation plan.”
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I suspect the hesitancy in Canada to start a national vaccine injury compensation program is that this concedes that vaccines create injury.  Its actually amazing how hesitant our society is at simply admitting the truth that vaccines do create injury.   Adopting this program would develop stats which bring light to the extent of the problem, and this is not ideal considering the government is pushing vaccination.  I already showed you the stats in America.

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So let’s get back to the US Vaccine Compensation program.

How did it start? 

Back in the 1980’s there was real problem with the Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis (DTP) vaccine.  A huge number of vaccine injuries were resulting in a wave of lawsuits causing panic for Big Pharma vaccine makers.  With so many vaccine injuries taking place with potential litigation,  it was becoming an unsustainable business model.  Basically they were going to go out of business.  As a result, Big Pharma strong armed the US government with an ultimatum, saying they would stop making vaccines unless they acquired legal immunity from being sued.  In 1986, the Vaccine Act was formed and you could no longer sue Vaccine makers.

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A loophole was found in a case in 2011, where if you could prove that the vaccine could have been made safer, you still had a case.  As Barbara Loe Fisher, a long time activist for vaccine safety, has said in the documentary “The Truth about Vaccines” by Ty Bollinger

“Bruesewitz vs. Wyeth.  It was a DPT vaccine injury case…..The Supreme Court majority, with two dissents.  Justice Sotomayor and Ginsberg dissented.  The Supreme Court said “Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe and there shall be no more law suits against any vaccine company.

Click to access 09-152.pdf

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Wow, only 9 years ago.  So this a fairly recent occurrence.  Did you catch the statement by the US Supreme Court, “Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe.”  What do we hear from the mainstream media almost on a daily basis.  Vaccines are SAFE!!  What do you hear from the CDC.  Vaccines are SAFE!!  What do we hear our directors of Health.  Vaccines are SAFE!! What do most doctors say to patients.  Vaccines are SAFE!!  If vaccines are safe, why did the US Supreme Court in one of the most important cases on vaccines and after copious amounts of data review, state that they are “unavoidably unsafe“.  Because they are UNSAFE!!  Harvard trained Immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych Ph.D supports this by saying, “Vaccination at its core is neither a safe nor an effective method of disease prevention.”


I will look at the ingredients in vaccines in future blogs which will explain why they are unsafe.  There is also the question, do they work?  That will be another blog as well.   So why does everyone else say they are safe?

This is a heavy question and will take several other blogs to unpack, but without getting too deep into the details it goes right to the top.  Bill Gates who is now the top dog in the world of Vaccine Policy.  He is the largest donor to the World Health Organization (WHO).  In 2010, the Bill and Melinda Gates committed $10 billion to the WHO because his goal is to vaccinate every single person in the world.


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Bill declared “the decade of vaccines”.  Robert F Kennedy Jr. just posted on Instagram that Bill and Melinda Gates have invested $21 million to perfect “microneedle technology” that embeds, under the skin, a vaccination record visible by infrared light that can be read by a “minimally-adopted smartphone technology.” The technology will allow health officials to scan US citizens to detect their vaccination compliance.

Holy Smoke, this doesn’t seem like an appropriate action to take in a free society.  Why would such a high level of vaccination compliance be needed? What is he planning on doing to those who are non-compliant? This is a scary concept and eerily familiar to stuff you would read in the book of Revelation.  Bill was able to push Windows as the dominant operating system on most every computer and that was before he was one of the richest people in the world.  Imagine what he can do now with that determination supported by buckets of money.

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This goes against the Nuremberg Code which states “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion

The Nuremberg Code was developed during the Nuremberg trials at the end of WW2 to protect humanity from the unethical medical practices of the Nazi regime.  Forced vaccination is simply an immoral, unethical, and an unacceptable practice.  It must be outlawed.

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The rest of Big Pharma (Merck, Pfizer, GSK, etc…) controls the medical schools and the media.  Never underestimate the power of the MEDIA. Robert F Kennedy Jr. said in the documentary, “The Truth about Vaccines”,

“This network president told me that if one of his talk shows allowed me on the air that he would fire the host.  This person is a friend of mine and “I would have to fire the host because this is where our advertisers are,” and if he lost an advertiser it’s a major catastrophe for the network.”

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He went on to say, “Our news division…gets up to 70% of ad revenues from pharma in non-election years.”

Is it any wonder why everything we hear from the mainstream media is, “Vaccines are safe”, “Vaccines are your best protection against viruses”, “Life will only get back to normal when we have a Vaccine for Covid-19”.

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Facebook and Google have ramped up their censorship on their social media platforms.  Its a regular thing now for posts, videos, and websites to be censored due to “vaccine misinformation”.  A lot of the doctors I view on YouTube and Facebook are regularly complaining how their posts are being taken down for non compliance.  Now, through experience they refer to Bill Gates on YouTube as Bill G as a precaution, so that they don’t get flagged and taken down.  A university friend of mine, Wooje Jo, has mysteriously disappeared from Facebook and I can’t find him.  He is an anesthetist doctor who wrote many posts on the dangers of vaccines.  I don’t know how to contact him, so Wooje if you read this blog, let me know what happened.

So are you getting the picture?

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We are supposed to live in a free society with freedom of speech and freedom to choose what enters our bodies and the bodies of our children.  This ramping up of measures for non compliance should be concerning to anyone on both sides of the aisle.  It’s not like my friend Wooje was promoting hate speech.  He was simply giving insights as an anesthetist doctor on what he was finding in his research on vaccines.  A proper debate cannot happen if the other side is banned from presenting.

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There is a very common argument put out there that if children aren’t vaccinated, they put others at risk.   Well, let’s look at the logic of that reasoning.  This premise assumes that the unvaccinated are more at risk to contract a sickness (ie. flu).   Okay, even though that is a dubious statement, for fun, let’s go with that for a second.  It is then assumed that if the unvaccinated are more at risk to get sick, this puts others at risk.  Okay, lets go with that.  Are not the vaccinated protected from getting sick?  Then if they are protected how are they at risk?  They would only be at risk if you feel that your vaccination didn’t work.  If your vaccination doesn’t work, then why are you getting vaccinated?  If your vaccination doesn’t work, why are you expecting me to vaccinate?  It either works or it doesn’t, either way the unvaccinated have no impact on the vaccinated.  Its an illogical concept.

In addition, I mentioned Harvard trained immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych Ph.D.  She also states, “People who have not received the vaccines mentioned below pose no higher threat to the general public than those who have,”

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So do you see it?  The incessant push for everyone to be vaccinated not only infringes on human rights, it goes against the Nuremberg Code, the science doesn’t support this and it is simply ILLOGICAL!!.   If you vaccinate, your concern about the unvaccinated is misdirected, your real concern should be the vaccines themselves.

Well, I went into more detail than I was planning on the battle for truth and the powers behind this push to vaccinate, but it had to be discussed.  Let’s get back to why it should be a major red flag that Vaccine makers cannot be sued.

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Would you eat a restaurant is there was a big sign out front that said, “Just so you know, if our food causes you to get sick, we have legal immunity from the courts because the government has made legislation that we cannot be sued.”  I think most marketing experts would probably say this would not be an advisable advertising strategy.  I highly doubt you would eat at that restaurant.  I wouldn’t.  Would you buy a car, food in a grocery store, a toy at Walmart, or even a coffee at Timmies if they had this same sign on the front window?  Probably not.

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Let’s unpack this idea.  Many people view lawyers and more specifically personal injury lawyers as opportunistic sharks looking to fill their pockets.  Of course, there is some truth to that and most personal injury lawyers would not deny an element of that.   But what most people don’t realize, the fear of being sued actually make our society a safer place.  So in a sense, personal injury lawyers are actually an essential part of a society that seeks to protect its people.

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If you go to any large construction site in Canada, there are very stringent safety rules in place to make sure workers are not hurt on the job and they go home in the same condition as when they arrived.  Are large construction owners just really nice people solely motivated by protecting their workers?  Well, I won’t say that there aren’t good ones who genuinely care, but I think if we want to get real here, their main concern is having the Ministry of Labour (MOL) come to their jobsites to shut them down.  If a severe injury occurs, that is what happens.  Then there are the severe fines, the higher level of scrutiny on their operations and the stats that are affected which need to be good for safety compliance.  Basically if the penalties are severe enough, things are kept safe.   It essentially comes down to a cost/benefit analysis.  It may seem cold, but that is the way it works.  When an auto company sends out a recall, they do a cost/benefit analysis.  The cost of doing the recall vs the cost of the lawsuits.  The HuffPost reported a story about GM doing a cost/benefit analysis,

“The executives at GM knew for 13 years that their cars had a defective ignition switch that would, well, kill people. But they did a “cost-benefit analysis” and concluded that paying off the deceased’s relatives was going to be cheaper than having to install a $10 part per car. They then covered up their findings and continued to let millions drive around with the defective part in their cars. There would be no recalls. There would only be parents and the decapitated body parts of their dead children. ”

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You might say, “what GM did was a pretty rare event.”  Not so, Big Pharma has done the same thing on countless occasions.  Richard Enos writes,

One example of this is with the painkiller Vioxx, which by some estimates led to 60,000 deaths, and for which Merck had to pay out almost $5 billion to settle 27,000 lawsuits. Merck emails from 1999 showed that company execs sought to intimidate doctors who disliked using Vioxx.”

So, now that vaccine makers cannot be sued.  What is the cost to them if someone sustains an injury from their vaccine?  none.   GM decided not to do the recall even though they could be sued.  What motivation do vaccine makers have to make things safe? not much. What motivation do they have to take mercury out of the flu vaccine? none.  What motivation do they have to properly test their vaccines? None.  Well, I may be going too far in saying none.  I guess these vaccines have to be safe enough so that people don’t die on the spot when they get it.  The damage has to be controlled somewhat otherwise the public outrage would shut things down completely.  They seem to have found a level of minimal safety so there aren’t riots and the money chain keeps rolling.  I guess they have learned from history.

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In 1885 there was a major rally in Leicester England of over 80,000 people protesting their mandatory vaccination policy of small pox.  Dr. Humphries stated in an interview in the documentary, “the Truth about Vaccines”,

“They had a 95 percent infant vaccination rate and had some of the worst epidemics in history in that city.  And so people were outraged because of mandatory vaccination had been instituted.  People were being arrested and their belongings confiscated. Horrible….there was a big rally with over 80,000 people that showed up.  I mean these people were angry.  Their kids were getting really messed up from this vaccine and it wasn’t working…it was a lose-lose for them…they stopped vaccinating…instead, whenever somebody had smallpox they had people that were already immune tend to the person, and they sanitized everything in their midst and kept them isolated.  And that turned out to be actually the best way to deal with small pox in those communities.”

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This method became popularly known as the Leicester Method to handling pandemics.  It actually sounds a lot like what we are doing right now with Covid-19.  Dr. Wakefield, in the documentary “the Truth about Vaccines” says the eradication of smallpox was due to this type of Leicester Method rather than the common proclamation that this success is attributed to vaccines.

Ty Bollinger went on to say, “they won their freedom of choice…that vaccination rate went from 95 percent to only 5 percent…death rates drastically decreased after they implemented quarantine and isolation.”

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Hey Brent, that might have been in 1885, vaccines have come a long way since then.  We don’t see those types of vaccine problems anymore.  Are you sure about that?  Robert F Kennedy Jr. reports some fairly recent events exposing Bill Gates’ vaccine program in India,

Promising his share of $450 million of $1.2 billion to eradicate Polio, Gates took control of India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI) which mandated up to 50 doses (Table 1) of polio vaccines through overlapping immunization programs to children before the age of five. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and asked Gates and his vaccine policies to leave India.”

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Bill Gates claims to have eradicated polio in India, only to create a non-polio virus which paralyzed 490,000 children.  Did anyone hear about this on the mainstream media?  490,000 children getting paralyzed.  Gates and his vaccine policies kicked out of India.  This should be headline news.  Some of you are probably saying Robert F Kennedy Jr. must be some sort of conspiracy theorist with some axe to grind with Bill Gates.  Well, I don’t know if there is some sort of personal battle going on here, but from what I have seen, Robert F Kennedy Jr. is about as solid as they come.  He has documents backing up his every accusation.  His reasoning is sound.  He has access to information that the average person doesn’t or doesn’t know where to find.  Remember his uncle was JFK, a former president of the US.  His dad, Robert (Bobby) Kennedy was a former US Attorney General.  The Kennedy family, sometimes referred to as American royalty, has a history of challenging the darker powers of this world.  Many think this determination to challenge resulted in JFK and RFK getting assassinated.

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But Brent, Bill Gates also has fought for third world sanitation.  Yes, I watched a Netflix documentary “Inside Bill’s Brain” showing Bill’s determination to develop special toilets which are affordable and self-maintaining to be used to improve sanitation in Third World countries.   I went away from this episode thinking Bill Gates is a great guy using his great brain to solve big problems.  Conversely, what I have seen in his vaccine practice, he doesn’t seem so nice.  He should be commended for his sanitation efforts, but Robert F Kennedy accuses Bill Gates’ obsession with vaccines is “steering WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases: clean water, hygiene, nutrition, and economic development….his personal philosophy that good health only comes in a syringe.”

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I expect the vaccine battle to heat up with Covid-19 and the exchanges between Bill and Bobby Jr. to heat up as well as they seem to be the leaders on each side.

Stay with me for one last point.  We need to consider the importance of the rule of law.  What is the rule of law and why is it important?  The Burma Legal council states,

“Rule of law essentially guarantees equality of all individuals in society on the basis of the principle that every person is equal before the law. In societies where the rule of law is exercised, people have the opportunity to seek equal protection whenever any rights violations occur.”

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Imagine if there were no police, and no courts.  We have seen movies about this.  The movie “The Purge” is a futurist fictional story where an annual national holiday is proclaimed in which for a 12 hr period any crime of any kind is legal with no future ramifications.  Yes its essentially a horror movie and quite disturbing to watch.  You quickly develop a deep respect for the need of laws to protect us.  It is well known in countries around the world where there is a lack of respect for the rule of law, corruption abounds.  I won’t list the countries, as I’m sure we can all list countries with high corruption.

I think you see where I am going with this.   Vaccine makers are above the law because they are outside of the rule of law.  They can do most anything they want with their vaccines.  What has history shown us about this type of power.   Lord Acton keenly stated,

“All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.”

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The success of any democracy is directly related to the checks and balances a society develops to resist power and corruption.  Western society is built on this.  We have given vaccine makers this legal immunity and we are trusting them to protect us.  History has shown this simply doesn’t work.  You may have heard of the Fable of the Scorpion and the Frog,

“A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung, but the scorpion argues that if it did so, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog then agrees, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature.”

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Human nature is too predictable, and giving vaccine makers complete protection from being sued creates corruption, and that is what we see when you uncover the rocks.  You and I are not their priority, their priority is the almighty dollar.

So, have you absorbed this information?  Have you grasped why not being able to sue vaccine makers is such a major problem?  This reason on its own should be a perfect justification to avoid vaccines.  Change the legislation and I guarantee you vaccines will become more safe.  The testing will get ramped up.  They might even become what they are claimed to be, SAFE.  And those Vaccine makers that continue to make unsafe vaccines will be sued some much that they will go out of business, and the only the good vaccine makers will remain.  Seems like a win-win to me.

If you wouldn’t eat at a restaurant with legal immunity, why would you allow vaccine makers who have legal immunity to vaccinate your kids?  Take a serious minute think about that.

Please comment, I really want to understand this logic.

That’s it for this one.



Dr. Burzynski movie

I just saw a movie on youtube called “Burzynski” which will probably be out on Netflix pretty soon. If you have been reading my recent blogs on cancer, Big Pharma, and Dr. Kelley, I recommend you watch this movie. While watching this movie, I bet you will find it eerily familiar to what happened to Dr. Kelley. Dr. Burzynski for the past 20 years has developed an entirely different protocol using his invention, called antineoplastons. He started finding success with his treatments especially with brain tumors, and as per usual the FDA and the NCI sent the dogs after him. Check it out and spread the news!! Here’s the link

Dr. William Kelley — Snake Oil Quack or Maligned Genius?


For those of you who haven’t read my last blog, this is actually a continuation of my research on alternative cancer practitioner Dr. William Kelley.  In my last my blog, I did my best to summarize his quite elaborate cancer protocol and the success he had with treating cancer.  Dr. Kelley claimed a 93% success rate for patients who came to him first (not after chemo, radiation, surgery).  He also claimed a fairly high success rate for those given 3 months to live at a slightly better than 50% chance.  For those with less than 3 months to live he claimed a 25-35% chance of survival.  In total, Dr. Kelley and his practitioners treated over a whopping 33,000 patients.  Dr. Kelley’s success with pancreatic cancer, the most deadly of all cancers, was especially striking (I will give details later).

The obvious question must be asked, “Why have most people never heard of Dr. William Kelley?”  Until about 4 months ago I had never heard of him.  Surely if his treatments are truly as successful as Dr. Kelley claimed, then all cancer centres in the world would have his treatment as an option at the very least.  Conversely one might also say, “Anyone can claim these type of success rates, it is quite another thing to have his medical records thoroughly investigated and have his treatments properly tested.”  This is a very valid statement, as our world has produced no shortage of “snake oil salesmen”.  Individuals who for whatever reason could not make a legitimate living and therefore resorted to fraud or number-fudging to sell their quacky supplements.


So, does Dr. Kelley bear the signs of a snake oil quack or maligned genius who has never been given his proper due?  I would like to challenge you, my reader, to reserve judgement on Dr. Kelley until you have heard a sufficient amount of information from all angles.  Do not rely on Wikipedia’s brief examination or a single study quoted from a quackwatch site.  As Oscar Wilde states,”the truth is rarely pure, and never simple“.   Truth, many times, is a hard thing to find, especially when powerful establishments in our medical community have monopolies setup which bring in billions of $$$$.  These establishments do not take kindly to anyone cutting into their bottom line.  I realize some may find this a bold accusation, but to me this is an inevitable conclusion to the serious student of alternative cancer practitioners, and alternative healthcare practitioners in general.  We would do well to heed the advice of American founding father Thomas Jefferson,

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take,
their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny.” — Thomas Jefferson

As you may have gathered, my opinion on Dr. Kelley is no secret.  In this blog I will serve as a type of lawyer presenting his case to you, my jury.   In my last blog I explained his protocol, in this blog I will try to answer this question, is his protocol credible?  Again, I will remind you, that up until 4 months ago, I had never heard of Dr. Kelley, and I have nothing to gain in his promotion.  I am simply a man searching for truth in the fight against one of  humanity’s greatest enemies, cancer.  When I come across a truthbreakdown that is purposely being suppressed and at the same time leaves many lives in the balance, my blood starts to boil.   I will try to keep this boil under control as I write, but it may leak out from time to time.

 Does Dr. Kelley bear the earmarks of a Snake Oil Salesman?

The Lack of Success Test

One of the signs to look for in a quack is someone who has not been able to make it successfully in real life pursuits (education, business).  If someone can honestly and legally earn a pretty good “coin”, why would they resort to quackery?  Charlatans generally get desperate and therefore resort to deception.  Does this fit Dr. Kelley?   Dr. Kelley had a Masters in Science (M.S.) degree as well as a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S).  According to the American Dental Association the average salary for a Dental Specialist, which someone with a D.D.S. would be, in 2004 was about $315,000/year.  According to the U.S Bureau of Labor, the average salary of an othodontist in 2008 was $195,000 and an established practice can see a net income of at least $400,000-500,000/year I could not find any specifics about Dr. Kelley’s salary as a Dental Surgeon/Othodontist, but the reports say he had a thriving practice in Dallas.  However you slice it, it appears Dr. Kelley had no problem making an honest living and most likely a well-to-do one.  I see no reason from a financial perspective for him to resort to quackery.

It is true that Dr. Kelley had financial difficulties late in his life, but this was decades after his first cancer therapy treatments.  These difficulties were multi-causal.  In 1976 the dental board of Texas suspended his dental license for 5 years because he persisted on doing “non-dental” cancer therapy.  In addition to this, according to an article by Dr. Gonzalez in the Townsend letter,

“he had become burnt out by years of hard work with the very sick, and by the relentless harassment by regulatory agencies, the conventional medical world at large, and the media. To make matters worse, his practice had never really recovered from the attacks brought on by his involvement with McQueen, so financially he was in terrible shape.”

The medical elite were truly “relentless” in making sure Dr. Kelley’s work did not see the light of day.  They blamed Dr. Kelley for the death of Steve McQueen.  According to Dr. Kelley, Steve McQueen was murdered by someone posing as a physician who injected him with a blood clotting agent.  Whether this is true or not will probably never be known for sure, but even if Steve McQueen did die in Dr. Kelley’s care with advanced mesothelioma cancer, does Dr. Kelly deserve all the harassment he endured from the media and the medical elite?  Conventional oncologists have no cure for this type of cancer and McQueen was given no hope by his own oncologists.  If every oncologist received the harassment that Dr. Kelley endured for losing a terminal cancer patient, would there be any oncologists left?  It is clearly not a level playing field.

To get a feel for what Dr. Kelley endured, listen to what he wrote in his book “One Answer to Cancer”,

 “I was a most serious threat to their $100 Billion a year Industry. These lawless Establishment Devils went to work and:

  • Poisoned (food) me 3 times to the point of Grand Mall Seizures 3-4 times a week for 14 Months;
  • Tried to shoot me once during this time;
  • Sent the usual IRS agents to do me in;
  • Bought off and bribed my Lawyer and Accountant;
  • Set up a take over of the Kelley organization by employees and wife (standard Establishment procedure);
  • Offered Kelley $500,000.00 to kill a counselee;
  • Caused a vitamin manufacturer of supplements Kelley often used to take all active ingredients out of Kelley Program Supplements.”

You’re probably saying, come on Brent, Dr. Kelley is clearly a paranoid schitzo.  If this was simply an isolated incident, I may agree with you.  But having heard similar stories like this many times, it actually doesn’t surprise me.  Dr. Max Gerson, according to his daughter Chalotte, was poisoned with arsenic.  Dr. Gerson, verified this himself by testing his urine.  Here is a statement from Charlotte,

“Dr. Gerson had a somewhat low blood pressure and enjoyed one cup of coffee in the afternoon. He noted at one point that every evening, after having coffee served at his office, that he had violent cramps and diarrheas. He stopped taking this coffee but a subsequent 24-hour urine collection showed that he excreted arsenic! He did not die immediately; however this weakened him considerably and he subsequently contracted a viral lung infection that killed him.”

  You would expect a snake oil salesman to be profiting from his quackery.  Dr. Kelley’s practice of cancer therapy did the exact opposite.  He lost his once thriving Dental practice, his marriage fell apart, and basically had a mental breakdown late in life.  To me, this shows that Dr. Kelley was in the cancer game for the right reasons.  He successfully cured himself of the most deadly type of cancer, pancreatic, and he wanted to “pay it forward” regardless of the personal cost to himself.  If you really think about it, if Dr. Kelley was able to cure himself of pancreatic cancer, and he clearly had a strong educational background in science (M.S. and D.D.S. degree), does it make any logical sense for him to have received all this backlash?  If the medical elite are truly interested in the advancement of finding a cancer cure, should not there be some room for experimentation with someone like Dr. Kelley?  What is the medical elite so afraid of?  Is it really the health of cancer patients?  Let’s not be naive, the main reason why the medical elite gets so vociferously upset with alternative cancer practitioners like Dr. Kelley, is $$$$$$!!  Dr. Kelley paid a hefty price for his “against the grain” cancer therapy. 

 This reminds me of the movie “Flash of Genius” starring Greg Kinnear.  Kinnear, portraying David Kearns, took on the Detroit automakers to keep his rights to his invention of the intermittent windshield wiper.  He lost his marriage and endured many years of turmoil as a result of his fight with Big Auto.  Eventually Kearns won his battle, but he paid a heavy price for this.  Only time will tell whether Dr. Kelley will ever receive his proper due.

 As a whole, I feel Dr. Kelley passes the financial gain snake oil test.

The Hiding Out Test

You would expect someone peddling quackery would want to stay “under the radar”.  If you can get a good quack business going, you want to keep it going by not exposing it rigorous testing or evaluation.  If what you are peddling has no real value, you will be exposed, and say goodbye to your little venture.  Does this match Dr. Kelley?

After Dr. Kelley successfully beat his own pancreatic cancer (that alone should make every oncologist stand up and listen) he began treating others.  Once realizing his protocol was proving successful with others, Dr. Kelley wanted to investigate “mainstreaming” his protocol.  Dr Gonzalez notes from one of first meetings with Dr. Kelley,

“At this point in his life, Kelley said, he only wanted the chance to have his regimen appropriately and fairly evaluated in clinical trials.”

Dr. Gonzalez, as a 2nd year med student at Cornell University in New York in 1981, never knew Dr. Kelley or had any connection to him.  During this time, because of the McQueen incident, a friend of Dr. Gonzalez took an interest in Dr. Kelley.  Prior to entering medical school, Dr. Gonzalez had spent 7 years in journalism, and this friend encouraged Dr. Gonzalez to investigate this “alternative cancer practitioner” and possibly write a book about him.  Dr. Gonzalez  took on this challenge under the supervision of Dr. Robert A. Good M.D. PhD of the Sloan-Kettering Institute of Cancer Research.  Dr. Good was internationally known as the father of “modern immunology”, and according to Dr. Gonzalez he was “the most published author in the history of medicine.”  Dr. Good appeared on the cover of Time Magazine in 1973 because of his work in immunology, the thymus gland, and bone marrow transplants.  To me, having a young, energetic, and unbiased med student like Dr. Gonzalez take on this investigation of Dr. Kelley, under the direction of a world renown doctor like Dr. Good, sets a very credible foundation. 

Time Magazine: Dr. Robert A. Good Toward the Cure of Cancer


Dr. Good, even with all his conventional medical accolades, had an open mind to the possibilities in someone like Dr. Kelley.  Dr. Gonzalez remembers Dr. Good saying,

“as a scientist, one must always look beyond the tried and true for the next new advance.”

Dr. Kelley, himself, was very excited to have someone of Dr. Good’s stature consider investigating his protocols.   Dr. Kelley surmised that he would finally be given a fair shake.  Dr. Gonzalez felt that whatever the result of his investigation, it would be enlightening.  Dr. Good, himself, gave this advice to Dr. Gonzalez,

“even if Dr. Kelley turned out to be a total charlatan, I would learn a lot of medicine by going down to Dallas to sort out what was going on in his office. A student always learns best, he said, when pursuing a project of his own devising, rather than an assignment picked by someone else.”

As you may have gathered by now, Dr. Gonzalez not only found much promise in Dr. Kelley’s cancer protocol, but  he now is the foremost practitioner of  Dr. Kelley’s protocol today.  This reminds me of the story of the former atheist and editor of the Chicago Tribune, Lee Strobel, who began a search into the tenets of christianity to prove its fallacy.  After a thorough investigation, Lee reached the opposite conclusion.   Now Lee is one of the leading christian apologists in the world today.

If  Dr.Kelley was knowingly practicing a snake oil cancer therapy, would he really want a young whipper-snapper like Dr. Gonzalez under the direction of world renown doctor Dr. Good, taking a close look at his patient’s medical records?  Highly unlikely.  Dr. Kelley clearly felt his cancer therapy had sufficient merit to be willing to submit his records to this scrutiny.  Dr. Kelley actually was very excited to have this investigation take place.

This not what you would expect from a snake oil salesman, so I say Dr. Kelley passes the hiding out test.

The Medical Records Test

There are 2 aspects to this test.

First, you would not expect a charlatan to keep a good record of his practice for the possibility of a possible investigation.  As in the Watergate Scandal with president Richard Nixon, chief of staff  H. R. Haldeman was supposed to “burn the tapes” to erase the evidence.  For a snake oil salesman, the only real need for records to be kept would be for billing purposes, not for the proper medical evaluation of their patient’s progress. 

Second, you would not expect a snake oil therapy to be producing good results upon investigation.  Interviewing patients directly who were under Dr. Kelley’s care should have shown a clear lack of positive feedback.  As well, I think I have sufficiently shown that Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Good had no special bias toward Dr. Kelley to fudge their investigation.  Dr. Good, especially, would not want his good name tarnished.  Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Good had really nothing to gain and potentially lots to lose by investigating Dr. Kelley.   Proving Dr. Kelley to be a charlatan would have made a good book and would have definitely received accolades from the medical elite.

So what did Dr. Gonzalez uncover?

For about 5 years, from 1982 to 1986, Dr. Gonzalez was able to spend a considerable amount of time scouring over Dr. Kelley’s medical records and interviewing patients.  Eventually Dr. Gonzalez wrote a summary manuscript of his findings, which has now been published as a book called “One Man Alone”.  Dr. Gonzalez comments on his first initial findings,

” Kelley, as promised, opened his patient files to me without hesitation. I spent many hours each succeeding day poring over his records, and what I found I thought was quite remarkable: patient after patient with properly diagnosed advanced cancer, including pancreatic carcinoma, who had done well under Kelley’s care, either in terms of disease regression or significantly prolonged survival.”

Over the course of Dr. Gonzalez’s 5 year investigation (which was clearly not rushed), he reviewed over 10,000 patient records and interviewed over 1000 of Dr. Kelley’s patients with a special focus on a group of 455 of them who had done particularly well on his protocol.  He then summarized a detailed list of 50 case reports representing 26 different types of cancer.  Dr. Gonzalez was in continual consultation with Dr. Good to ensure proper execution of his investigation.  This was clearly a thorough, non-haphazard approach.  In a letter to Dr. Good, Dr. Gonzalez wrote,

“I found these results, particularly for pancreatic, quite intriguing. His overall survival rate for all cancer in this first group is 93% – and as I have found going through Dr. Kelley’s records, virtually all of his patients have advanced disease. Many have come to him because no further conventional treatment could be offered.”

So as you can see, the Dr. Kelley’s claim of a 93% success rate was also independently verified by Dr. Gonzalez.  As you can also see, Dr. Gonzalez was particularly intrigued with Dr. Kelley’s success with pancreatic cancer.  Dr. Kelley was able to reproduce similar results to his own personal success with pancreatic cancer.  Dr. Good was also keenly interested in any records that showed success with metastatic pancreatic carcinoma (pancreatic cancer).  Dr. Good told Dr. Gonzalez,

“if I could find even one patient diagnosed with the disease (pancreatic cancer) who had lived five years on this nutritional regimen, he would be impressed, since to his knowledge no one else in medicine anywhere had such a case.”

Even the late former CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, with all his financial resources and high level intelligence could not beat pancreatic cancer with the most advanced present day therapies.  According to the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) the 5 year survival rate between 1950-1995 of someone with pancreatic cancer is a measly 3%. 

Dr. Gonzalez was able to identify 22 cases of Dr. Kelley’s patients with pancreatic cancer who had consulted Dr. Kelley between 1974-1982.  Of the 22 cases, 10 of them had not followed Dr. Kelley’s protocol for a single day.  All of these 10 were now deceased and had an average survival of 63 days.  They were encouraged by their doctors and family members to give up on this “unconventional approach”. 

 As an aside, were any of these doctors or family members held accountable for this advice?  I think you know the answer to that one.  The only ones ever held accountable for advice which leads to death are “alternative practitioners”.  On top of that, why would a doctor recommend a change in protocol if conventional medicine only has a 3% success rate or less with pancreatic cancer.  Of all the types of cancer, doctors should be the most open-minded toward pancreatic, but  it is clear that years of anti-alternative indoctrination becomes an almost  insurmountable wall to cross.

Dr. Gonzalez also identified a group of 7 pancreatic cancer patients who partially followed Dr. Kelley’s protocol.   With this group some had followed Dr. Kelley’s protocol anywhere from 4 weeks to 13 months.  Of these 7 patients, all were now deceased and the average survival increased to 302 days.  Dr. Gonzalez noted that this was longer than would be expected as the average life expectancy is anywhere from 3-6 months.  He also found that these individuals also received a lot of pressure from doctors and family members to give up on the protocol. 

The final group Dr. Gonzalez identified were 5 patients who had fully complied with Dr. Kelley’s protocol.  By the time Dr. Gonzalez had completed his study, all 5 of these patients were still alive and had an average mean survival of over 8 years!!  Dr. Kelley’s personal success with pancreatic cancer was remarkable enough, but then to have 5 of his patients beat it as well was truly astounding.  In actuality, this surmounted to a 100% success rate for those who fully followed Dr. Kelley’s protocol.  A sample of 5 patients may be too small to authoritatively announce to the world about 100% success rate with pancreatic cancer, but as Dr. Good originally stated, he would be impressed with even a single successful case report of a 5 year survival of pancreatic cancer. 

Now with Dr. Gonzalez having reviewed Dr. Kelley’s patient records very thoroughly, one would expect that his final manuscript would be applauded and well-circulated.  Dr. Gonzalez said that at the time of his manuscript completion,

“Dr. Good no longer had the financing, the resources, or the power base that would have allowed for further laboratory and clinical studies under his tutelage. “

Given this fact, Dr. Good recommended that Dr. Gonzalez’s next best option was to get his manuscript published in book form for an eventual peer-review process.  Dr. Gonzalez tried intently on doing precisely that, but he strangely didn’t get the response he was looking for.  He noted,

“over the next year, no publisher, either trade or scientific, agreed to back the book, nor would any medical journal consider excerpting portions, even a case report or two. Some editors just didn’t believe that the records could be real, that an unconventional nutritional therapy could reverse advanced cancer. Others accepted the data as legitimate, but thought that the book would generate so much controversy that it might jeopardize their careers .”

Dr. Gonzalez began to realize that “alternative cancer therapies”, not matter how successful they are, are not treated on a level playing field.  Dr. Good finally recommended a personal friend of his for whom he felt would give Dr. Gonzalez a fair analysis of his manuscript.  Ironically, even this personal friend of Dr. Good reacted quite vociferously to the manuscript.  He even accused Dr. Good of being “hoodwinked by a scam artist”.   This shocked Dr. Good quite deeply and had a clear detrimental impact to Dr. Good’s continued support of Dr. Kelley or Dr. Gonzalez. 

Just when Dr. Gonzalez began giving up any hope of getting his manuscript supported by mainstream medicine,  in 1987  the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) began an investigation into Dr. Gonzalez’s manuscript.  He and Dr. Kelley thought this was a promising development.   In the meantime, news of this manuscript began to popularize in alternative circles and even in Japanese conventional circles.  Dr. Atkins, the famous diet doctor, even interviewed Dr. Gonzalez on his radio show.  

When the OTA finally came out with its report in 1990, it was strangely condemning by focusing  on Dr. Kelley’s legal troubles rather than the data Dr. Gonzalez had collected.  It became a character assassination rather than a fair examination of the data.  I have seen a similar state of affairs in my research on the creation/evolution debate.  Instead of the arguments being based on the actual evidence, the evolutionary establishment resorts to name-calling and character demeanor.  “You’re stupid” is a common quote you hear which clearly denigrates the integrity of proper scientific investigation.  Ben Stein’s movie “Expelled” gives a good commentary on this controversial topic.

With all this negative feedback and continuous harassment, Dr. Kelley himself began to breakdown.  He began to even accuse Dr. Good and Dr. Gonzalez for colluding with the establishment against him.   In 1995, even the prolific Dr. Good began to separate himself from this assault by stating in an interview that the patients in Gonzalez’s study “didn’t have cancer”.   Dr. Gonzalez felt he was hung out to dry by Dr. Good.   After all, Dr. Good had earlier reviewed and approved all the cases in the manuscript.   This goes to show you how effective the establishment can be at pressuring even to the most prestigious of medical doctors who go against the grain.

Dr. Gonzalez, quite bewildered when looking back on the history of his 22-year-old manuscript states,

” It has been the subject of a misguided federal review, thrown across a Congressional hearing room, discussed at length in a Japanese book, litigated in a Pennsylvania courtroom, debated on national TV, and described in the pages of the erudite New Yorker. It has been lauded as a major breakthrough against cancer, dismissed as inconsequential, and despised as dangerous quackery.” 

Thrown across a Congressional hearing room?  For a manuscript that is simply a collection of data.  For whatever reason, alternative cancer therapies create a very odd emotional response that goes well beyond the realm of logic.  From my research of many other alternative cancer practitioners,  I have found that this is not an isolated incident limited to Dr. Kelley and Dr. Gonzalez.  After awhile it becomes almost predictable.  For those curious about this issue, I would encourage you to check out this webpage on persecuted doctors. 

So does Dr. Kelley pass the Medical records test of snake oil salesman?  

He clearly had no reservation whatsoever allowing Dr. Gonzalez and

Dr. Good to examine his patient records.  How many doctors can attest

to having a complete list of over 10,000 patient records?  It was clearly a priority to Dr. Kelley to maintain accurate medical records for a variety of reasons.  Dr. Gonzalez commented in a youtube video that no one cared more about his patients than Dr. Kelley.  It was his mission to see them get well.  Dr. Gonzalez from start to finish was very impressed with the sheer volume of Dr. Kelley’s patient files, not to mention the success he found upon reviewing them.  Dr. Gonzalez was able to interview patients and therefore confirm the efficacy of the actual records.  His investigation agreed with Dr. Kelley’s claims of a 93% success rate and the exceptional success Dr. Kelley had with pancreatic cancer patients. 

If you trust that Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Good were capable of researching Dr. Kelley without bias, then I feel that it can be safely stated that Dr. Kelley passes the Medical Report test.  There is no record that I’ve found that Dr. Gonzalez or Dr. Good had anything to gain from Dr. Kelley’s promotion, in fact both of them received unfair accusations and condemnation for having studied Dr. Kelley. 

The Verdict is in

As a whole, I feel I have sufficiently proven, using 3 common tests of quackery, that Dr. Kelley simply does not fit the bill as a charlatan.  He clearly was not in the cancer game for financial gain as he was already a successful othodontist and his cancer practice actually ruined him financially and personally.  He never hid his therapy from investigation and he actually greatly desired his cancer protocol to be properly evaluated.  He kept meticulous patient records which were independently verified by Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Good.  These same doctors also verified Dr. Kelley’s success rate claims.  Dr. Kelley passed and surpassed all tests directed at him.  It is actually quite shameful how the medical establishment, the media, and the government treated this great man who saved so many sick people.  Testimony after testimony after testimony.  It would be well worth reading some of those testimonies for yourself. 

The medical establishment terms testimonies as “anecdotal evidence” and basically gives some credence it.  At the same time anecdotal evidence is considered quite inferior to evidence based on “studies”.  Studies are generally multi-million dollar ventures which are controlled to test whether anecdotal evidence is reproducible in a controlled environment.  Unfortunately, Dr. Kelley’s dream was never fulfilled as he was never given the opportunity to complete clinical studies in a controlled study.  Finding funding and the medical will to complete this evaluation simply never happened, and I think that is strangely odd considering the success that Dr. Gonzalez uncovered. 

 I believe the success that Dr. Kelley achieved with his cancer therapy was not only due to his uncovering of Dr. Beard, Dr. Gerson, and Dr. Howell’s theories,  but also his superior intellect which allowed him to adjust to patients who needed more personal direction when the standard theories did not work for everyone.  His open-mindedness and flexibility allowed him to look outside the box and customize his treatments to the individual.  This may be one of reasons why his stats are difficult to reproduce even when following his protocol as most health professionals do not have Dr. Kelley’s intellectual adaptability.  For those 33,000 patients who were fortunate enough to receive treatments from Dr. Kelley, they witnessed a bright light that humanity has produced in a rare supply.  Hopefully, history will remember Dr. Kelley fondly by his cancer protocol becoming more widely recognized.  Dr. Gonzalez, even though his relationship soured with Dr. Kelley as Dr. Kelley had a mental breakdown later on in life, summarized the life of his mentor,

“In my estimation, Kelley, in his scientific thinking, was light years ahead of the rest of us, both orthodox and alternative. He deserves our respect for his accomplishments, for his trials and severe tribulations, and our forgiveness for his foibles. Someday, I believe his thoughts about the nature of cancer and human disease will become the foundation of a new medicine, not merely a fringe footnote, and the world will remember him at that time with well deserved appreciation. For now, let’s remember him kindly, with gratitude for what he did and what he tried to do.” 


For those of you who have done your own research on Dr. Kelley and Dr. Gonzalez, you have probably come across a study by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Center (NCCAM) which is widely quoted throughout the internet which supposedly settles that chemotherapy is 3 times more effective than Dr. Gonzalez’s nutritional enzyme treatment.   Because this study is actually based own Dr. Gonzalez’s own practice of cancer therapy and not directly of Dr. Kelley own practice, I will save a discussion of this for my next blog.  And trust me, this study requires some discussion as it is a prime example of how a conflict of interest can wildly skew the actual results and that not all studies are created equal.

Dr. William D. Kelley–“the Gretzky of alternative cancer”

As true, blue Canadian, one of the most important questions I often ask is, “Who is the greatest hockey player of all-time?”  Some say Wayne Gretzky, others say Mario Lemieux, and others like Don Cherry say Bobby Orr.  I, myself waiver on the issue, but from a statistical standpoint, the clear champ is Gretzky.  He holds all the major records, including most goals/season 92, most assists/season 163, and most points/season 215.  Some say these will never be broken, and I am inclined to agree.

In my research on alternative cancer practitioners, I continually run into a guy named Dr. William Kelley.  Anyone who has had success in fighting cancer usually refers to him and usually adopts some level of his cancer protocol.   At the same time, many parts of Kelley’s cancer protocol are a bit “alternative” even in the alternative world.  Kelley’s theories and methods went against conventional cancer protocols and were in some ways different to mainstream alternative cancer protocols.  Dr. Kelley’s protegé, Dr. Gonzalez, said in a youtube video that Dr. Kelley was “beyond brilliant” and that is why his methods were so outside the box of conventional and alternative cancer protocols.  He said that the protocol Dr. Kelley created virtually on his own would have taken a team of regular doctors a century to develop.  As in hockey, stats (as long as they are accurate), separate the “men from the boys”.   I found Dr. Kelley’s stats to be quite astonishing and almost unbelievable.  To date, I have not found anyone statistically comparable  to his success with cancer patients.  This is why I consider Dr. William Kelley to be the “Gretzky of alternative cancer treatment”.  Dr. Kelley’s protocol is quite elaborate and multi-faceted.  I will do my best to summarize it here, but if you really want to understand his protocol you should do your own research, as I cannot fully do it justice.  Just to warn you, this will be one of my longer blogs, so get comfortable, grab a mug of tea, and we’ll learn about Dr. Kelley.

***As a disclaimer this blog is a commentary of the cancer protocol of Dr. Kelley, and not meant to be medical advice outside the advice of your health professional.  


Who is Dr. William Kelley?

Dr. Kelley was certified othodontist who held a Masters of Science (M.S) and  Doctorate of Dental Surgery (D.D.S) from Baylor  University in Dallas.  You might think, ok Brent, you’re saying Dr. Kelley is the “Gretzky of alternative cancer”, and he doesn’t have any certification in oncology.   This clearly was an impediment to Dr. Kelley gaining acceptance in the medical world, but Dr. Kelley himself felt this actually gave him an advantage in that when he first investigated cancer therapy, he was not  already indoctrinated or bound by conventional oncology’s do’s and don’t’s.  He approached cancer research unbound and this allowed him to look “outside the box”.   His treatments were made popular by his patient and actor Steve McQueen (who had a controversial death).   Steve McQueen told Dr. Kelley “I’m going to blow the lid off this Cancer Racket.”   Dr. Kelley said that after the surgery of removing Steve McQueen’s dead tumor (inactive from Dr. Kelley’s treatment), during the night, “a government agent came into his room posing as a Physician on duty and injected McQueen with a blood clotting medication, which was the cause of death.”  Some think this is just  conspiracy theory, but Dr. Kelley didn’t seem to have any doubts about it.

Dr. Kelley had a thriving othodontist practice, house, wife, and 4 children in the Dallas area and really had little involvement with cancer.  Instead cancer decided to come knocking on his door.  He was working 12-14 hour days and “With little time to eat he practically lived on candy bars and similar junk food”.   In 1964, he was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer (the same as Apple CEO Steve Jobs), which had metastasized to his lungs, liver and hip.  His surgeon told him that he had only 4-8 weeks to live and therefore no surgery or treatment was prescribed.  He was going to be another statistic. 

When you are given news like this you couldn’t blame Dr. Kelley for having  feelings of despondency to just give up.  Fortunately, William had a strong mother who came to his aid.  She threw out all his junk food and put him on a strict health food diet.  He improved to the point that he was able to go back to work.  This improvement subsided after about 6 months when he developed digestion problems.  This pushed him to look deeper, so he began to study alternative cancer researchers such as embryologist  Dr. John Beard,  Dr. Max Gerson, and Dr. Edward Howell.  He  tested their theories on himself and he began developing his own protocol for cancer therapy.  His own successful battle with cancer impassioned him to develop one of the most elaborate and successful anti-cancer protocols ever devised. 

He was not well accepted by the medical elite and in 1970 Dr. Kelley was charged with practicing medicine without a licence.  This type of conviction used to freak me out and would make me lose credibility for someone like Dr. Kelley.  Now after having researched many of the best alternative cancer practitioners and how they are treated  (mistreated) by the medical elite, this type of conviction tells me that they are on to something that it going to take money out of Big Pharma’s pockets.  He was discharged because his cancer treatments were “non-dental” not because they were “non-successful”.  Around this time Dr. Kelley wrote his controversial book “One Answer to Cancer”.  A local district court ruling made it illegal for Dr. Kelley to distribute this book.  He appealed this decision to the Supreme Court, but he lost there too.  Yes this happened in America, land of the free, not communist China!!  Dr. Gonzalez, defending his mentor said, “To my knowledge, Dr. Kelley remains the only scientist in this country’s history ever forbidden by court decree from publishing.”

This backlash forced Dr. Kelley to set up a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.  He later moved to rural Washington, then Pittsburgh area, and finally to Kansas.  All in all, Dr.Kelley and his practitioners treated over 33,000 patients claiming a 93% success rate for those who came to him first (ie. not after chemo, radiation, surgery).   For those with a predicted life expectancy of about three months, he said that a well-designed nutritional program would yield “slightly better than a 50-50 chance of survival.” For those with a very advanced disease, given less than three months to live, he claimed a success rate between 25 and 35 percent.  According to Webster Kehr of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, ” Without going into details, what this means is that this protocol takes time to become effective. That is why this protocol is rated ONLY as being effective on newly diagnosed cancer patients who do not have a fast-growing cancer and their cancer has not spread significantly!!  Webster Kehr has other recommendations for more fast acting therapies in highly advanced cancer.  Dr. Kelley at the age of 79 died on Jan. 30, 2005 of a mild heart attack and upper respiratory infection, 41 years after his pancreatic cancer sentence.

What was Dr. Kelley’s understanding of the nature of cancer?


This may get a little complicated, but stay with me because it is important to know this to understand his treatments.  Dr. Kelley uncovered an almost forgotten Scottish embryologist named  Dr. John Beard from the University of Edinburgh, who was nominated for the Nobel Prize.  In 1902, Dr. Beard recognized that cancer cells had a striking resemblance to embryonic cells called trophoblasts.  Cancer cells grow very rapidly, like trophoblast cells, at the beginning of embryonic development when the fertilized egg implants on the uterus.  Dr. Lawrence Wilson writes in 2011 about the trophoblast,

It is invasive, metastatic, forms new blood vessels (angiogenesis) and has the same specific markers and chemical composition as cancer cells.”

 The rapid growth of the trophoblast cells eventually become the tissue which is our placenta and this secures and nourishes the fetus in the womb.  The growth of the trophoblast cells suddenly stop growing around the 8th-12th week of pregnancy.  Even today this trophoblast stoppage is considered a mystery by some, but Dr. Beard, back in 1902 published a paper in the Lancet (a major medical journal) that showed that when the trophoblast cells stopped growing, this coincided with the arrival of the pancreas in the embryo.  Dr. Beard theorized that the release of pancreatic enzymes is what caused this wild growth of cells to stop, and he was right.  In 1911, Dr. Beard published the book,” The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer” which was a major breakthrough in cancer research.  He tested mice with cancer tumors and injected doses of pancreatic enzymes with great success.  He later tested humans with pancreatic enzymes and produced many amazing results which were recorded in the American Medical Journal. 

Around this same time, Marie Curie’s revolutionary radiation discovery became famous as the new non-toxic cure for cancer.  Consequently,  Dr. Beard’s pancreatic enzyme treatment was abandoned and remained in obscurity until Dr. Kelley revived his theories in the 1960’s.  The year 1911 became a major fork in the road for cancer therapy which has remained to the present day.  I feel this decision to follow Marie Curie instead of Dr. Beard was a major setback in cancer treatment development, as we have adopted the wrong paradigm.  Marie Curie, herself, died as a result of her exposure to uranium radiation.  Dr. Gonzalez said in a youtube video that Marie Curie’s scientific journals cannot even be studied without the protection of radiation space suits. 

So how does cancer start according to Dr. Kelley?

According to Dr. Kelley, from his study of Dr. Beard, he theorized that primitive “germ cells” when working properly in early embryonic development stop multiplying and then migrate to the gonads to eventually become male sperm and female eggs.  What are “germ cells”?  They are similar to stem cells in that can differentiate into a variety of different cells depending on what genetic signals there are given.  The trophoblast cell was originally a germ cell until a genetic signal turned it into a trophoblast cell which after many multiplications became the placenta. The problem begins when these same germ cells fatigue when making their way down to the gonads.  As a result of this fatigue, these germ cells never make it to the gonads to become sperm and eggs.  Dr. Beard found that about 3 billion of these fatigued germ cells lay dormant throughout the body waiting for a genetic signal because in early development they never make it to the gonads. 

A cancer tumor develops when one of these dormant germ cells gets a wrong genetic signal to start rapid cell growth.  The germ cell gets a wrong signal and is told to become a trophoblast, which then thinks it is supposed to develop into a placenta and will keep on growing until it is told to shut off.  The problem is this germ cell trophoblast is not growing in the female uterus where it will get shut off by the pancreas development.  Instead, because it is in a different part of our body, it keeps on growing and you have a tumor.  This non-normal trophoblast growth is then termed to be Ectopic, because it is not growing in the proper spot, the uterus.  You may have heard of someone having an ectopic pregnancy, which is basically when a fertilized egg travels down the fallopian tubes and impregnate in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus.  This is a dangerous situation and must be addressed early on by a doctor. 

In a healthy body, our pancreas secretes enzymes which normally take care of shutting off these false “placenta” tumor growths.  When our bodies deplete our resources of pancreatic enzymes, the pancreas cannot keep up to the demand.  This leads a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, so when one of these ectopic germ cells gets a false signal to turn into a placenta, there are no pancreatic enzymes available to shut off the cell growth. 

 As an aside, did you know that many cancer patients (male or female) who take a pregnancy test will come up positive!  Yes its true. When you go to drug store and buy a home pregnancy test, the device you buy is measuring a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) that is made by the embryo after conception, and later by the placenta.  Dr. Howard Beard (strangely no relation to Dr. John Beard) found that cancer cells also produced high levels of HCG.  He found that when the body is producing an excess of cells, HCG levels in the body increase.  Dr. H. Beard surmised that if high levels of HCG were found in the urine without pregnancy, this indicated a cancer problem.  More recently in 1995 Dr. Hernan Acevedo Ph D,   published an important paper in the journal Cancer, concluding that HCG is produced by cancer.  Dr. Ralph Moss writes,

“By using more sophisticated techniques, such as quantitative analytical flow cytometry, Dr. Acevedo has now seemingly demonstrated the presence of hCG, its subunits, and/or fragments in cells from 85 different cancer cell lines.” 

Dr. Acevedo’s paper gives further credence to Dr. John Beard’s original theory that a cancer tumor is a “false pregnancy” or a “false placental growth”.  Basically the body is given a false signal that it needs to prepare for pregnancy, and a false placental tumor growth appears some place in the body

Dr. Efran Navarro MD, a doctor who runs the Navarro Medical Clinic in the Philippines, presently conducts HCG tests for cancer.  Here is a chart from his website.

Interpretation of Readings
Index Int. Units Readings Interpretation
0 zero (-) Negative
1-3 1-49 (+/-) Doubtful
4 50-400 (+) Faintly Positive
5 401-999 (++) Definitely Positive
6 1000-3000 (+++) Moderately Positive
7 3001-5000 (++++) Markedly Positive
8 5001-10000 (+++++) Very Markedly Positive
9 over 10000 (++++++) Excessively Positive

What causes the germ cell to get the wrong signal?

Dr. Kelley stated in his book “One answer to cancer “You cannot get cancer unless 3 factors are presents”.

1) The presence of an ectopic germ cell

2) The stimulating presence of the female sex hormone 

3) A deficiency of active pancreatic enzymes

Dr. Lawrence Wilson states, “The primary stimulus for the growth of the trophoblast is high estrogen, as occurs during pregnancy. ”  Dr. Kelley concurred with this and implicated estrogen as the culprit behind the wrong signal delivery.  A quick search on Wikipedia will show that “A hormone (from Greek ὁρμή, “impetus”) is a chemical released by a cell or a gland in one part of the body that sends out messages that affect cells in other parts of the organism”.  With regards to estrogen, Dr. Kelley stated,

“All that is needed is something to stimulate the female sex hormone formation at the site of a misplaced ectopic germ cell. This is most often done by scar formation caused by a blow, a bruise, a drop of tar in the lung, a sun burn, an overdose of X-ray, or anything else that can cause a normal scar formation procedure to take place in the body — at the site of a latent ectopic germ cell.”

Dr. Lawrence Wilson further states, “Estrogen is associated with cell proliferation.  Modern medicine acknowledges that estrogen is a carcinogen, for which reason estrogen inhibitors are among the drugs used for cancer.”


One might think, if the female hormone estrogen causes cancer, how to men develop cancer?  The answer is that men and women both have estrogen in their bodies, just not at the same ratios.  As men age, they have less testosterone and more estrogen.   As Dr. Kelley stated above, when some sort of trauma occurs and this is mixed with an abnormal level of estrogen in the body, wrong signals get sent and the “trophoblast tumor” begins.  If one has a deficiency in pancreatic enzymes this tumor growth will go unabated.

So what causes the deficiency in pancreatic enzymes?

According to Dr. Kelley,

  • 83% — Overworking the pancreas by the intake of too much protein
  • 10% — Neurological injury to pancreatic enzyme production 
  • 7% — Malfunction of body chemistry inactivating  the enzymes

If we examine our typical North American Diet, we clearly eat an exorbitant amount of protein.  I know I do.  I love my burgers, chicken breasts, pork chops, steaks, hot dogs, milk, eggs, etc… .   Dr. Kelley would not say protein should be avoided, rather it should be kept in proper balance as to not overload the pancreas.  Dr. Kelley clearly states, ” the body must have protein to live.”  Here are some considerations that Dr. Kelley would suggest here help out our all-important pancreas, (I’m paraphrasing)

1) Watch the quantity of food you ingest.  Not too much!!  This will overload the pancreas

2) Eat a proper balance of foods.  Not too much protein.

3) Ingest proper amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to assist normal metabolism within the pancreas and release enzyme activity

4) Maintain a proper pH (acid/alkaline) in the intestinal tract and around tumor mass

5) Avoid chemical toxins which interfere with normal pancreatic functions which come  from food, environment, drugs, metabolic wastes, and medications.

6) Maintain a positive emotional and spiritual state and avoid toxic emotions.  This allows proper body functioning.

7) Avoid traumas and scarring as this will misdirect pancreatic secretions away from the intestines for absorptions to the rest of the body

8) Avoid radiation which kills pancreatic enzymes

There other suggestions he would make, but these are the main ones I would take from his book.

So what is Dr. Kelley’s protocol to fight and cure cancer?

As mentioned above, Dr. Kelley’s protocol is quite elaborate, but in his book “One Answer to Cancer” he summarized 5 main areas of steps to follow:

  • Metabolic Supplementation
  • Detoxification Of The Body
  • Adequate, Proper, Well-Balanced Diet
  • Neurological Stimulation
  • Spiritual Attitude

Metabolic Supplementation

As most health educated people know, the North American diet is highly deficient in many vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.  Our love of processed foods, hydrogenated oils, trans fats, and microwaving leaves us with food with little to no nutrient value.  Even our “healthy foods” are suffering from genetic modification, pesticides, and soil nutrient loss.  High nutrient, organic food needs to become more accepted especially for those who are sick.  I used to think “organic” was for tree-hugging, commi-pinkos.  Now, with diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes becoming almost epidemic, maintaining proper, healthy nutrient intake through healthy food and oral supplementation is becoming more critical.  Even a hot-dog-lovin guy like me, must face the facts to start making some changes.  Dr. Kelley knew all of this full well.

An area that Dr. Kelley felt our society is deficient is the eating of organ meats.  In our culture we rarely eat organ meats like the all-important pancreas, liver, kidney, stomach, intestinal tract tripe, and lung.  Oh, I bet your taste buds are watering after reading that list :).   “I can’t wait to go home and eat some kidney!!”  Because this type of statement is very rare in our culture, this must be ingested in the form of supplements.  With regards to the pancreas Dr. Kelley says this,

“Pancreas tissue …. without a doubt, indicated by our 30 odd years of research, is the most deficient item in our food chain. It should be noted that the pancreas is the most needed of all the missing organ meats from our diets. It must be supplied in our diets or serious deficiencies result.”


Supplementation of pancreatic enzyme pills in high doses is a big part of Dr. Kelley’s protocol.  The pics above are not the specific ones Dr. Gonzalez uses, but they give you an idea of pancreatic enzyme supplements.  These enzymes must be processed at low temperature, because enzymes die at high temperature.  Dr. Gonzalez, Dr. Kelley’s protegé in New York City, is one of the only doctors practicing the Kelley protocol presently.  In an interview, Dr. Gonzalez said that he was quite specific on where he gets his pancreatic tissue to make his supplements.  He said New Zealand is probably the healthiest place left in the world to get organ tissue because of the cleanest environment, strictest laws on pollution & pesticide, free-range and grass-fed animals.  He buys pig pancreases in New Zealand where his pancreatic enzyme supplements are made. 

 The Kelley protocol is also quite different from other alternative supplementation.  Typical nutritional advice from conventional and alternative practitioners is a “one size fits all” philosophy.  Meaning everyone should take the same type of healthy foods and supplements.  Dr. Kelley didn’t see it that way.   He realized through trial and error that everyone has a different metabolism and that it is best to customize supplements based on each person’s specific metabolic type.  He termed this “Metabolic Typing”.  Kelley developed different enzyme formulas to accommodate the specific health status and metabolic type of each patient.  He developed 

“Formulas A, Ca+, E and L are for those who have been clinically diagnosed with cancer/malignant tumor masses. Formulas H, P and W are for metabolic repair and the rebuilding of one’s body.” 

Once Dr. Kelley would decide a patients formula protocol, the patient would have to take about 96 of these formula pills each day.  Each formula addressed four main areas of defence–” the pancreas; the immune system; mineral balance; calcium metabolism.”  96 pills!!  Yes 96 pills.  Why so many pills?  According to Dr. Kelley,

“You take so many pills in order to be sure that your glands will be totally supported, your immune system highly stimulated, and your body chemistry properly balanced. You take so many pills because the objective of Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Program is to turn your degeneration into your regeneration. “

The key difference here between conventional chemo pills and these Kelley formula pills is that they are non-toxic to the body.  They are body-building, not body-weakening (See my last blog on the Big 3 protocols).  Dr. Kelley’s pills are healthy for our cells and chemo pills are toxic to our cells.  It’s a different paradigm. 

Your probably saying, “96 pills/day can’t be cheap”.  You’re right, the Kelley protocol is not a cheap alternative cancer treatment.  The cost of the pills could cost close to $2000/month.  To put this in perspective though, this is roughly about 3-4 times cheaper than a typical chemo pill regiment.  With Kelley claiming a 93% success rate for typical cancer patients who came to him first, I’d say its worth the money.  I understand, this is still out of price feasibility for many, so I would recommend checking out for cheaper protocols.  In Canada, our healthcare system covers the expensive chemo pills, but not alternative pills like Dr. Kelley’s.  I think if the government is willing to pay for chemo pills at 3-4 times the price, could we not have a choice to choose our own protocol and save our healthcare system some money at the same time.  Seems like a simple decision if we value human freedom of choice.  But lets not be naive, it’s Big Pharma controlled, so my statement is really a pipe-dream.

Detoxification of the Body

In 1963, when Dr. Kelley first began testing Dr. Beard’s theory by ingesting pancreatic enzymes along with a mostly raw fruits and vegetables, water-soaked nuts, beans and brown rice diet,  he began to notice his tumor in his pancreas got smaller.  The problem is that he began to feel sick and would often throw up.  When he stopped taking the enzymes for a few days he started to feel better, but he also noticed when he felt his tumor, it got bigger again.  He would take the pancreatic enzymes again, and the tumor would shrink but he would feel sick and throw up again.  He desperately wanted to shrink his tumor, but his body seemed to have a very low threshold for the enzymes. 

He began to realize that when the enzymes attacked his tumor, the remaining tumor debris became toxic to his system.  He connected that this is similar to how someone on chemo feels when toxins build up from tumor debris.   A chemo patient has the additional effects of the toxicity of the chemicals themselves which produce a double toxic effect.  Dr. Kelley felt people on chemo, die not from the cancer, but from the double toxicity of the tumor waste and the chemo chemicals.   He concluded that detoxification of this tumor debris was essential if  he was to continue ingesting the pancreatic enzymes.  In his book “One Answer to Cancer” he states,

“the blood cannot accept further debris from the cells and, before long, there are 70 to 100 trillion garbage cans completely full. It is like the city dump being filled to capacity and not accepting any more garbage trucks.”

In his search for detox methods, Dr. Kelley became acquainted with the work of the German, Dr. Max Gerson.   Dr. Kelley learned that the liver and gallbladder are the essential organs of detoxification in the body, the liver being the primary one.  The liver is the essential organ of the body for detoxification, and it is generally over-worked by our North American diet.   The gall-bladder is connected to the liver and is responsible for secreting a substance called “bile”.  This yellowish liquid interacts with the liver to carry away the toxins from the liver and empty into to small intestine, which then eliminates from the body out  through the rectum.  So to assist the liver-bile-gallbladder detox system, Dr. Kelley developed a 4 principle Liver-GallBladder Flush.  Here it is:

  • Apple juice (high in malic acid) or ortho-phosphoric acid, which acts as a solvent in the bile to weaken adhesions between solid globules.
  • Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), taken by mouth and enema, which allows magnesium to be absorbed into the bloodstream, relaxing smooth muscles. Large solid particles which otherwise might create spasms are able to pass through a relaxed bile duct.
  • Olive oil, unrefined, which stimulates the gall bladder and bile duct to contract powerfully, thus expelling solid particles kept in storage for years.
  • Coffee enemas, which consist of a coffee solution retained in the colon. They activate the liver to secrete its waste into the bile, enhancing bile flow and further relaxing the bile duct muscle.


The final step, the coffee enema, is considered the most important part of this detox process.  You’re probably saying, “Coffee WHAT??”  “Enema??”  This involves injecting coffee up the rectum, letting it sit there for about 10-15 minutes, and then “pooping” it out.  Yes, I realize this may seem quite bizarre, but this detox technique actually has a long history.  Ancient Egyptians used anal cleansing, and in 1920 Dr. Max Gerson popularized the use of  body temperature liquid coffee in enemas for detoxification.  Coffee enemas were actually listed in the Merck Manual (the world’s best-selling medical textbook) until 1972, until it was mysteriously taken out.  I recently purchased a cd set called “Your Road to Health” which was developed by cancer researcher Michael Vrentas.  He has developed a combination cancer protocol called “Cellect/Budwig” which combines many of the best cancer protocols into one system.  Mr. Vrentas found that some of his adherents used the coffee enema part of the protocol and others did not.  It has a clear psychological barrier which some will not cross.   He noticed the ones who did the coffee enema part, healed quicker and generally had better results. 

What does a coffee enema do?

When coffee is taken rectally, the caffeine travels through the small intestine and stimulates the liver to release bile waste out of the liver back to the small intestine and out the rectum.  The coffee also acts as a good solvent for encrusted wastes along the walls of the colon.  Hmm!!  sounds very appetizing?   Dr. Kelley summarizes the effect,

“Essentially, the coffee enemas help the liver perform a task for which it was not designed — that of elimination in 1 or 2 years the accumulated wastes from many years of living in ignorance of the laws of nature.”

Normally, bile is recycled through the gallbladder-liver-small intestine process and is not fully cleansed of all its toxins into the small intestines. When this happens toxins that are not eliminated are recycled.  The caffeine from the coffee enema stimulates a more complete cleansing of the bile so that the toxins are not recycled back to the body.  Dr. Kelley had a strict protocol for the coffee enema to maximize the effect and to avoid infection which is too involved to elaborate here.  For further details refer to under the coffee enema section.  Dr. Kelley, himself, took a daily coffee enema for 35 years.  Dr. Gonzalez (Dr. Kelley’s protegé) said in an interview with S.A. Wilson,

“I ve been using them for 14 years with only one effect: I felt better from the first one I did. I’ve never looked back & I feel great when I do them. All the terrible things that are supposed to happen don’t happen. Coffee enemas don’t destroy bowel function or wipe out your intestinal flora, but what they do is help the liver work better. They are extremely powerful, one of the most powerful detox procedures that we use. My whole staff does them. They just feel better when they do.”

There is some controversy over coffee enemas in the medical world.  There are concerns over rectal infections, electrolyte imbalance, colitis, and possible heart failure.  On Wikipedia, it says “The use of coffee enemas has led to several deaths as a result of severe electrolyte imbalance.”

 Dr. Gonzalez says he has researched the entire world’s medical literature on coffee enemas and he found only 3 deaths attributed to this treatment.  He also said in a youtube video that these 3 claims were quite dubious because the patients were already very sick from other complications, and 1 of the patients wildly overdid the coffee enema.  If you compare this to the fact that literally hundreds of thousands of people have done coffee enemas through Dr. Gerson, Dr. Kelley, Dr. Gonzalez, and many others, with little to no problems, I would be skeptical to the motive behind the negative report on Wikipedia.  Remember, very little money can be made off coffee enemas, so as is pretty common with any successful alternative cancer technique, you find conventional websites like Wikipedia overemphasizing the problems, and underemphasizing the success.  You may think I have jumped on the conspiracy theory boat, but the more I look into this stuff, the more I am convinced that there is some “monkey business” going on.  Dr. Lawrence Wilson M.D. summarizes his use of coffee enemas,

” I have recommended coffee retention enemas to more than thirty thousand people.  I have yet to hear about horrible side effects of any kind, although the procedure is somewhat inconvenient, especially at first.  Most people get used to it quickly.  The coffee retention enema is really quite simple, very safe when done properly, highly effective, able to be done in the privacy of your home, and inexpensive.”

Inexpensive is not something cancer drug companies want to hear.  Dr. Kelley also recommended a kidney cleanse, lung cleanse, skin cleanse, and nostril cleanse.  See for details. 

Adequate, Proper, Well-Balanced Diet


I hope you are still with me, as this blog is quite lengthy.  I feel I need to give Dr. Kelley’s protocol the attention it needs.  So back  to the third part of the Kelley protocol, adequate, proper, and well-balanced diet.  In 424 BC  Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said “Your food shall be your medicine and your medicine shall be your food.” Dr. Kelley stated,

“At least 86% of all cancer conditions could be adequately treated and/or prevented by diet alone.”

Dr. Kelley had a very extensive nutritional program.  He stressed a 4 phase system, a complex individually specific nutritional test called Metabolic Typing, and other general nutritional rules.

4 Phase System

Key points to Phase 1-Proteins

1) The greatest cause of pancreatic enzyme deficiency is too much protein (Meat, Milk, Cheese, Eggs, etc…). ” If people would not eat protein after 1:00 p.m., 86% of cancer in the United States could be eliminated.”

2) Too much protein or too little protein are both bad.  Balance is needed otherwise the pancreas suffers from both ends.

3)  Proteins should be eaten for breakfast and lunch only. “the pancreatic enzymes, used in digestion of protein, are used only about 6 hours. This leaves 18 hours for production of pancreatic enzymes to digest cancer tissue.”

4) Eggs are a good source of protein but should be eaten raw or hard-boiled.  The egg must be heated in shell or raw to retain enzymes.

5) Ingesting clean raw liver meat.  “Raw organic, antibiotic-free and hormone-free liver contains a multitude of live enzymes, amino acids and other intrinsic factors that science has not yet identified, which are destroyed when the liver is cooked.”

6) Cooked and commercially produced meat must be avoided (beef, pork, lamb, fowl).  Cooked meat delivers toxins to the body and commercially produced meat has high estrogen content, which must be avoided.  After 9-12 months, when tumors are under control, you may resume gradual meat intake, as long as your metabolic type requires it and adequate enzymes & hydrochloric acid are ingested.

7) Dry beans, raw seeds, and sprouts are good sources of proteins and may be eaten after 1pm.  Alfalfa, Mung beans, buckwheat, soybean, sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds are good sources.

Keys to Phase 2–Vegetable Juice and Fruit Juice


It has been said if you want to be healthy, “drink your veggies, and poop your coffee“.  Dr. Max Gerson highly emphasized this.

1)  Veggies and Fruits should be “juiced” raw and fresh. To obtain the same amount of nutrients as a glass of fresh veggie or fruit juice would require a huge intake orally.  Juicing is also easier to digest than eating them and juicing also provides a proper balance of vitamins and minerals.  “God knows best” as they say because veggie juices are body builders.  (ie. carrots, celery, alfalfa, beet, cabbage, cucumber, dandelion, endive, lettuce, parsley, potato, spinach, and turnip juice)

2) Fruits and fruit juices (made in a juicer) are natural body cleansers. You may take as much as you feel you need.

3) Eating fruits and fresh salads should also be included as bulk is needed to fill full and keep the digestive tract moving.  Avoid bad oils (hydrogenated oils, canola, processed vegetable oil) and use organic, cold-pressed flax oil or olive oil.  The high heating of processed oil is dangerous to our health.  Lemon is also a good salad dressing.

Keys to Phase 3 –Whole grain cereal

1)  Raw whole grain cereals for breakfast  as a multi-grain porridge builds the body

2) Nuts, seeds and grains when mixed together should be kept in a cool, dark place or refrigerator for storage to avoid becoming rancid.

3) The goal here is to have as wide a variety grain & seed gene pools as possible.  These provide protein and good essential fatty acids. (almonds, brown rice, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, millet wheat, oats, etc…)

4) For flavor add fruits, fruit juice, and unheated unpasturized honey.  The good nutrients in honey die at high temperature.

Keys to Phase 4–Flax Oil



Dr. Kelley studied the work of German researcher, Dr. Johanna Budwig, who was a world acclaimed expert on oils and Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s).  She found that patients who had cancer, diabetes, and liver disease consistently lacked EFA’s.  She also found that healthy people’s blood always contained EFA’s.  She concluded that a diet high in EFA’s would fight these diseases.

1) Flax oil, above all other oils, contains the highest level of EFA’s.  Flax oil cannot be heated and must be ingested at room temperature. (ie. salads or by table-spoon)

2) Unrefined flax oil fights tumor growth, whereas heated flax oil as all commercialized vegetable oils promote tumor growth. (ie. trans fats)  There are only a few oils that remain stable in high temperature  for cooking (ie. coconut oil).  “All oils except unrefined, fresh olive and flaxseed oil are forbidden on Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Diet. “

3) “Fat that has not been heated above 96º F. in the form of unsalted raw butter, raw eggs, raw cream, the fat in and on raw meats, no-salt-added raw cheeses, avocados, fresh coconut and stone-pressed olive oil is acceptable on Metabolic Medicine’s Cancer Cure Diet. These fats are the easiest to digest, assimilate, and utilize and aid the body in binding with toxins and carrying them to the bowels and out of the body.”

***Note, Dr. Budwig found that for flax oil to be absorbed at the cellular level, it must be blended with cottage cheese or quark cheese (German cottage cheese)  to make the flax oil water-soluble in the blood.  This is a key to the cancer puzzle that Dr. Kelley may have missed as he didn’t mention this in his book.

Some Basic Nutritional Rules of Avoidance

1) “Eat no Processed food for the first six months”

2) “Many enzymes are destroyed at 107º F. and almost all are destroyed at 140º F.” Maximize raw food and minimize cooked foods.  A sick person cannot afford to eat dead food.

3) Milk must be avoided because it has too much protein and therefore uses too many pancreatic enzymes.  Milk also has high estrogen levels which a cancer patient cannot afford to ingest.

4) Avoid peanuts because of their high protein and they are prone to a cancer causing fungus called aflatoxin.

5) White flour, White rice, and White sugar must be avoided because they are hard on the liver and pancreas and are devoid of nutrients.  Whole grain pesticide-free bread, brown rice, maple syrup and unheated honey are allowed substitutes.

6) Soy products (high protein), Vinegar (too acidic), coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, liquor, tobacco, pork must be avoided during this diet detox.

Metabolic Typing

One of the signature aspects of Dr. Kelley’s nutritional and supplement program is his use of Metabolic typing.  He found through trial and error that some patients did not do well with the standard “one size fits all” diet or supplement prescription.  Dr. Kelley discovered that certain people thrive on certain foods and others thrive on different types of foods.  He noticed that some people did not thrive on vegetarian diets, yet others did thrive on these diets.  

Dr. Kelley discovered each person’s metabolism of food is controlled by the involuntary nervous system.  Our voluntary nervous system works by our will and choices (walking, eating, singing, etc…).  The involuntary nervous system or autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls things in our body “automatically” beyond our consciousness (heartbeat, respiration, digestion).  Dr. Kelley stated,

The autonomic nervous system is the master regulator of metabolism. It determines how efficiently and effectively the body uses food, water and air.”

The ANS is further broken down into 2 main systems.  The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).  The SNS regulates the body by speeding things up (ie. muscular system, heart, thyroid and parathyroid glands, gonads, (ovaries or testes), uterus or prostate and adrenal medulla) whereas the PNS regulates the body by slowing things down (ie. immune system, lungs, pineal gland, adrenal cortex (which secretes cortisone) and the organs of the digestive system).

Dr. Kelley discovered that certain people metabolically are either one of three groups A) SNS dominant B) PNS dominant C) a balance of PNS and SNS.  These are further broken down to 10 Metabolic Types.  Dr. Kelley developed a very large 3200 question questionnaire which would be used to determine very precisely which type one would belong to.  For example, do you work best in the morning or at night?  etc…   This is called “Dr. Kelley’s Self-Test for the Different Metabolic Types.”  This can be ordered on amazon.  Here is a brief description:

A SNS dominant person (Type 1, Type 4, Type 6) are typically the “get up and go” type people who have high energy who love exercise and are generally Type A personality.  They tend to be more emotional, impatient and have difficulty winding down to sleep.  Because these people constantly going internally, they require high amounts of nutrients to keep going.  These people do best on a more vegetarian diet because they do not digest very well.  They do best on food and supplements that speed up the PNS and decrease the SNS to balance out.  They are usually thin and “cut”.

“Sympathetic Dominant Metabolizers most often need: Vitamin D; Vitamin K; Ascorbic Acid; Biotin; Folic Acid; Vitamins B1, B2 and B6; PABA; Niacin; Potassium; Magnesium; Manganese; Zinc; Chromium; Hydrochloric Acid; Pancreatic Enzymes and Amino Acids. Each of the vegetarian Types (One, Four and Six) need these supplements, but each type needs different amounts and different ratios.”

A PNS dominant person (Type 2, Type 5, Type 7) are typically more “chilled out”, easy-going,  friendly, and don’t like to be rushed.  They have good digestion and usually a good immune system.  They are a little lethargic and fall asleep easily.  These people need and crave more of a meat diet and do better with it.  These people tend to have large appetites and are generally overweight.

“Parasympathetic dominant metabolizers most often need such nutritional support as: Vitamins E and B-12; Niacinamide, Pantothenic Acid, Choline, Inositol, Calcium, Phosphorus, Calcium Ascorbate, Bioflavonoid Complex, Zinc and Ribonucleic Acid. These metabolizers should be eaten at bedtime and are enough to carry them through the night. They should not eat leafy green vegetables or take large quantities of the B vitamins.”

A Balanced PNS/SNS person (Type 3, Type 8, Type 9, Type 10) generally have their PNS and SNS nervous system working well together.  They don’t metabolize their food too fast or too slow.  They people can thrive on a variety of foods whether they be vegetarian or meats.  Their personalities are more balanced not going to either extreme.

Balanced metabolizers generally need such nutritional support as Vitamins A, B-1, B-2, B-6, B-12, Niacinamide, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin E, Folic Acid, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, PABA, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Chromium and Zinc. Each of the balanced Types Three, Five, Nine and Ten needs these supplements but each type needs different amounts and in different ratios. They also require extra amounts of Hydrochloric Acid and Pancreatic Enzymes.”

Structural and Neurological Stimulation

Dr. Kelley felt that the nerve supply to the pancreas and the liver was very important.  If nerve impulses are blocked or damaged this causes these organs to not function properly.  As we have learned the pancreas and liver must be working efficiently to beat cancer.  Manipulative therapy from a chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapist, and dentist is needed to make sure all nerve impulses are flowing freely.

As a doctor of dental surgery (D.D.S.),  Dr. Kelley was very familiar with dental bone structure.  He recommended using a dental therapy called Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Equilibration.   The TMJ  joint the name of the joint just in front of the ear where the lower jaw hinges on the right and left side.  When this joint is “out”, “distressing or painful conditions as earache, headache, head noises, clicking sounds, dizziness, nervousness and even mental troubles.”  This can be done by a dentist familiar with this technique.

He also recommended CranioSacral Therapy which is a hands on approach of assessing the bone and cerebrospinal fluid from the skull, down through the vertebrae to the tailbone (sacrum).  Manipulating the areas ensures proper nerve flow.

Basically a visit to the chiropractor would be an advisable thing to do for anyone suffering from any physical or mental problems.  Nerves are much like our arteries, if they get pinched or blocked, bad things start to happen.

Spiritual Attitude

Dr. Kelley felt it was very important to have a faith in God to successfully beat cancer.  He stated,

“Since we are dealing with the metabolic approach to cancer, we must consider not only the physical, but also the mental and spiritual laws of God. We need help from those around us as well as the God power within to reverse our thinking, and attain that balance which creates a healthy physical being.”

He clearly believed that inviting Jesus into one’s life was a true and real help.  He stated,

“If your cancer has caused you to look within and ask the Christ to dwell within you”

Dr. Kelley believed that just as we need to be detoxified physically, we must also be detoxified spiritually.  Toxic emotions like bitterness, anger, and resentment must be addressed.  It has been said that bitterness “eats like a cancer” and forgiveness is one of the greatest healers.  Cancer survivor Britta Aragon writes,

” Holistic healer Poorvi Mittal writes that while running a small homeopathic practice, she treated many people suffering from various types of cancer, and found that what they all had in common was tremendous anger and resentment.”

“The Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that extreme suppression of anger was the most common characteristic among 160 breast cancer patients.”

Dr. Kelley gave a 7 step approach to developing the a proper spiritual attitude.

  • Accept the fact that you are afflicted with a symptom (malignant cancer) and that recovery is possible.
  • Establish a faith in a power greater than yourself and know that with His help you can regain health and harmony.
  • Make the decision to turn your will and your life over to the care of God.
  • Conduct a complete self-analysis to better understand your own emotions.
  • Admit to God, to yourself, and to others the exact nature of what you find to be your shortcomings.
  • Be willing to give up what you are doing wrong.
  • Seek through prayer to improve your conscious contact with God. Pray only for knowledge of His will for you and the strength to carry that out

How did Dr. Kelley view doctors?

Dr. Kelley felt every cancer patient should seek assistance from their doctor, but at the same time they should take control of their own health.  He said, “Seek A Physician To Work With You, Not On You.”  To him, it was  important to have professional advice from a doctor about your cancer status and to listen to their advice, but one must take responsibility for one’s own health.  Don’t check your brain at the door.

Well that’s about it for now.  I feel I have done my best to summarize Dr. Kelley’s cancer protocol, but if you want a fuller understanding of his protocol, you should do your own research.  One of the things you are probably wondering, “Why is Dr. Kelley’s cancer protocol not more widely used and more sufficiently proven in the medical literature.”  That will have to wait for my next blog.