Vaccine Safety Surveillance, Where is it?

I recently heard someone say, “I have been waiting to see how safe these vaccines are before I get vaccinated.  I haven’t heard anything so I am thinking of getting it done.”  

A very reasonable stance to take, though I do have a  significant concern about the “I haven’t heard anything” part.  For this philosophy to work, the vaccine side effect surveillance system needs to be capturing a majority if not all of the adverse reactions.  Once this data collection takes place, the totals need to be well publicized to the general population.  Only then can one make a proper, data-based decision.  I get it, we all are sick & tired of Covid, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the data. 

Jumping to Conclusions

The important questions then are, are our safety regulatory agencies robustly doing active & passive surveillance on the adverse reactions from this vaccine rollout? Also is this data being well publicized to the public?

Unfortunately the answer to both of these important questions is NO & NO.

I am sorry but no - Sorry I'm not Sorry | Meme Generator

There has never been a more important time in the history of vaccine rollouts, for the CDC, FDA, and Health Canada to be doing their job by conducting intense, highly detailed surveillance of adverse reactions.  

Why so important?  The Moderna & Pfizer vaccine clinical trials were only about 3 months long.  Normally vaccines undergo 7-10 years of testing prior to rollout.  Very little was actually determined in these trials, there is plenty of controversy regarding the efficacy & safety math (as you have seen in my other posts), and both Pfizer & Moderna frankly admit that more research is needed to accurately assess the long-term efficacy & long term safety.  

What Happened Other Times We've Tried to Rush a Vaccine?

Not only are these vaccines brand new, the mRNA technology being employed has never been used in a vaccine rollout before.  This is essentially an “experimental” vaccine rollout and anyone who gets vaccinated is part of a massive experiment.  Those who have studied the history of medical experimentation know that some nasty reactions have occurred in the past and that is why animals are typically used in the “experimental stage” , not humans.

The Human Guinea Pig Project

The New York Times article, which I have attached to this post, addresses this, “Monitoring is all the more important because the vaccines were developed and approved in record time, with the goal of inoculating most of the US population as quickly as possible.” So how is the monitoring going?

As the title of the article indicates, 

As millions get shots, FDA struggles to get safety monitoring system running”.  

To assess monitoring one must know the difference between ACTIVE vs. PASSIVE surveillance.  

|10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |28  |review Active surveillance (A.S) like any active process need to more  resources than passive surveillance (P.S). Thus A.S surveillance have the  less chance of continuation than P.S ...

Passive surveillance is more of a reactionary reporting system rather than a proactive investigational reporting system.  It relies on the diligence of healthcare providers and the general public to assess and report adverse reactions.  The Boston University School of Public Health states, 

Passive surveillance is advantageous because it occurs continuously, and it requires few resources. However, it is impossible to ensure compliance by health care providers; moreover, cases occurring in people without access to care will frequently go unreported. Consequently, passive systems tend to UNDER REPORT DISEASE FREQUENCY.”  


The key here is acknowledging passive surveillance, without active surveillance, significantly underreports the real safety profile of a vaccine.  VAERS, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System is a passive surveillance system.  The HHS did a study on VAERS (p.6) and found only around 1% of vaccine injury is captured through this system.  In another study by vaccine manufacturer, Connaught Laboratories (SAGE article–see underreporting), found “a fifty-fold underreporting of adverse events’‘ for VAERS.  In other words, whatever numbers are being given by VAERS, multiply them by at least 50 or even 100 if you want a more accurate count.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

What is active surveillance and why is it needed in addition to passive surveillance?

The Boston University School of Public Health states that 

“Active surveillance occurs when a health department is proactive and contacts healthcare providers or laboratories requesting information about diseases.  While this method is more costly and labor intensive, it tends to provide a MORE COMPLETE ESTIMATE of disease frequency.”

Public Health Surveillance Dr Gordana Kuzmanovska - ppt download

Essentially active surveillance is a more robust, intensive, investigational, investigative, and yes costly, but much more accurate recording system with quick up to date results.

You could compare it to an Easter egg hunt.  Passive surveillance would be like your Dad saying, ”I’ll go hide the chocolate eggs and you guys over the next year, go about your daily lives and let me know if you end up coming across some eggs.”  Active surveillance would be like Dad saying, “I’ll go hide the chocolate eggs, you have 2 hours to go hunting for the eggs, look under every rock and behind every tree, and whoever finds the most eggs wins.”  Active surveillance is “Sherlock Holmes” style and passive surveillance is a “complaint box” style.  

Easter Egg Hunt at City Centre Park | Ocean 98.5

Active surveillance gets quick and more complete results.  Passive surveillance gives delayed results and leaves many “eggs” unfound.  Ideally, it is best to use both active & passive surveillance ongoingly as you will get quick, fairly complete results with the active, and the passive will capture any remaining adverse events as well as any longer term adverse reactions.  


Given the seriousness of this “experimental” vaccine rollout, if billions of dollars are being allocated to purchase vaccines, there should be a proportional budget and proportional seriousness given to active & passive surveillance to ensure safety.  

Quick results are critical right now because if these vaccines are unsafe, that needs to be caught now, not 6 months from now, otherwise we are putting millions of people at risk.  This is why passive surveillance on its own is grossly insufficient.  

Monitoring vaccine safety

How is Canada’s vaccine injury surveillance doing?  Canada’s agency which monitors vaccine reactions is the Canadian Adverse Events Following Immunization Surveillance System (CAEFISS).  This is primarily a passive surveillance system.  The current Canadian totals for adverse events from the Covid vaccines are located here.

Nelle Maxey, from Vaccine Choice Canada, conducted a fairly detailed review of the 2018 CAEFISS annual report.  

Maxey’s review was not very complimentary.  

“The report is sloppily written, poorly designed and not transparent. It reports different numbers for the same data, makes statements that are nonsensical and makes declarations that are non-verifiable from the data presented.”

“if CAEFISS continues on this downward spiral of barely useful summary reports, trust in the Public Health Agency of Canada and their surveillance system will correspondingly continue to erode.”

The Canadian Medical Association Journal had a scathing review of the FDA & Health Canada drug safety surveillance system in 2005 after the Vioxx Scandal.

“The FDA and Health Canada have demonstrated their structural inability to do ongoing safety monitoring of new drugs and devices, and industry is far too conflicted to be able to carry out this important task. We need new national agencies to monitor drug safety independently from the approvals process.”

I’m sorry, if what I’m presenting here seems negative, and I wish this was not the truth of the matter.  Hearing that our regulatory safety agencies in Canada/North America are not doing a very good job at gathering safety data might be a difficult paradigm shift for some to accept, but it is a fact.  In a sense, we are our own to judge vaccine safety.  As the New York Times article indicates, millions of vaccinations have taken place with military zeal, yet the active monitoring system IS NOT EVEN RUNNING.  The FDA was supposed to have a high tech monitoring system called BEST up and running.  It could be months before it is running as FDA officials acknowledge that BEST will not be active “until after the Biden administration reaches its goal of vaccinating 100 million people.”  What is the point of having a monitoring system and not run it especially at such a critical time?

As I’ve already explained, the Covid vaccines are essentially “experimental”.  They are not even FDA approved, but rather have only been given “emergency use authorization”.  The only reason they have been given emergency use authorization is because “there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives”.  This explains why Ivermectin, Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Melatonin, and other proven successful treatments for Covid-19 are not approved or promoted.  If these treatments would have been accepted as standard treatment, the Covid vaccines would not have been allowed emergency use authorization because these therapeutics would satisfy the “alternatives” criteria which would close the loophole for emergency use authorization for the vaccines.  If the general population sees that Covid-19 can be treated with effective therapeutics, containment measures, and natural herd immunity, the need for vaccines disappears.  

But this would mean Pfizer & Moderna miss out on the billions of profit and have truckloads of doses sitting on the shelf collecting dust.  This is what happened in 2003 with SARS -1 and  2018 with the Zika virus with other vaccine companies.  This is an unacceptable situation for Pfizer & Moderna, hence the rush to get the “vaccine into arms” without the proper safety surveillance in place.  They have to beat the therapeutics and natural herd immunity to get paid and get the credit for the decline of Covid.  Zika, for the most part has fizzled naturally through herd immunity, while vaccines were still in the developmental stage.  They missed the boat on that one.  

Vaccine companies have learned from past mistakes, if you want your vaccine to get purchased and make profits,  you need to get it out early as you only have a small window of time before herd immunity and therapeutics kicks in.  For Zika, it needed about 18-24 months to fizzle out through herd immunity.

 So how can waiting for 100 million people to be vaccinated before activating a system for “analyzing vaccine safety data” be a good plan?  Isn’t that a little late if this vaccine ends up causing serious problems?  This seems very suspicious and could be seen as deliberate.  After all, we do have the passive surveillance system VAERS running and it is capturing some disturbing numbers.  As of February 12, 2021, after about 2 months and 52 million vaccine injections VAERS has captured these adverse events:

15,923 reports of adverse events

929 Deaths

1869 hospitalizations

3451 urgent care

2191 office visits

190 anaphylaxis

198 Bell’s Palsy


These side effect numbers from VAERS are significant, especially considering it’s from a PASSIVE surveillance system which as I have shown only touches the tip of the iceberg.  These numbers demand the need for ACTIVE surveillance. 

For comparison sake, lets look at the active surveillance the CDC did for a week in December and compare to the passive surveillance VAERS data. 

From Dec 14-18 the CDC recorded 112,807 vaccinations and also recorded 3150 health impact events from ACTIVE surveillance.  This accounts to a high 2.8% (1 in 36) injury rate.  VAERS through PASSIVE surveillance has captured 15,923 injury reports from 52 million vaccination injections.  This accounts to a moderate 0.03% (1 in 3,333) injury rate.  Can you see the difference when ACTIVE surveillance is done vs PASSIVE surveillance?   Here we again see that passive surveillance is only accounting for about 1% (0.03/2.8) of what is found when active surveillance is done.  This coincides with the study by the HHS and the SAGE study which both found VAERS captures only 1% of the actual vaccine injury total.  So those numbers you see for VAERS, multiply them by 100 to get a more accurate idea of what is happening. 

So hopefully, you can see now that our regulatory agencies are not getting it done when it comes to vaccine injury surveillance.  To me, it is pretty clear that our regulatory agencies are more worried about bad publicity than they are about vaccine safety.

Dr. Ashish K. Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.

 “We knew these vaccines were coming for at least several months before they got authorized, so we really should have had a well-developed system.”

Dr. Jeffrey Brown from Harvard Medical School and a leader in the FDA says,

“It is not only critical to get needles into arms, but also to get data into databases.”

Here’s the other question.  Even if the data surveillance was working well and a complete record was being compiled for the injuries caused by these vaccines, would it be widely publicized?   I catch a fair bit of mainstream news through TV, radio, and other media.  I have not heard any reporting of the VAERS data.  Nor did I hear anything about the CDC’s active surveillance in December.  One has to go to non mainstream sources or directly to the actual agencies to find this info.  To make matters worse, non mainstream news sources which investigate vaccine injury are being severely censored and deplatformed. 

Why is there such a concerted effort to avoid capturing, publicizing, reporting, and even discussing vaccine injury? Its as if discussing safety is some evil taboo.  Why is safety discussion in the workplace, schools, public transit, etc… encouraged, yet discussion on vaccine safety discouraged.  Are Vaccines religious gurus that we dare not question?

 Let’s face it, 929 deaths and over 15,000 injury reports in 2 months from a PASSIVE surveillance system is not good publicity and not good for the vaccine business.  Imagine what the numbers would be if we were constantly running ACTIVE surveillance.  If there was the same dedication to publicizing vaccine injury as there is in publicizing Covid deaths & daily cases, Big Pharma knows far fewer people would get vaccinated.  

Experimental COVID Vaccines: Mounting Deaths Reported in Media and Social  Media ... Part 6 of 6 - Children's Health Defense California Chapter

The mainstream media is controlled by a few top dogs who very deliberately control the message we hear on a daily basis.  We make decisions based on the info we hear.  A lot of money is on the line with these vaccines and Big Pharma is doing everything they can do to control the narrative.  You hear what they want you to hear.  You might say this is conspiracy theory.  Ok, then explain why there is no publicity of the VAERS data?  How many people know of the 929 death reports in the past 2 months following vaccination?  Why are those who discuss vaccine safety being deplatformed from Facebook, YouTube, etc….?  Why has there been no research dollars allocated to Ivermectin? Why are vaccines the only product in our society which have been given legal immunity to the vaccine makers?  You need to connect the dots.

Why is this CNA nurse worried about losing his job for whistleblowing about his nursing home patients dying after vaccination? Should not a nurse be encouraged to report numerous deaths following vaccination?

Look I’m all for everyone having the free choice to choose whether or not to get vaccinated.  My main concern is that we must be given the full story so we can make a proper decision.  The bottom line is the Covid vaccine side effects are not being tracked properly, the VAERS data is being suppressed, the active surveillance BEST system is not even running, and anyone questioning this safety narrative is punished.   Not exactly an ideal environment to think freely and make proper decisions.  

Nelle Maxey Archives - Vaccine Choice Canada

The propaganda message now is that all must be vaccinated to get back to normal.  This is a false narrative.  There are lots of highly successful treatments for Covid, though none of them are being promoted because vaccines would no longer have emergency use authorization.  This  delay for FDA approval will close the profit window of opportunity to beat herd immunity.  

Cartoon: learn the true story of how we figured out herd immunity |

After about a year of Covid viral spread and 2 major waves, the level of natural herd immunity is increasing.  According to the CDC, about 40% of the population infected with the virus are asymptomatic or in other words immune.  (See 5 scenario chart)

Double Up Your Masks for Maximum COVID Protection: UCSF Infectious Diseases  Expert Monica Gandhi | Global Indian |

Dr. Monica Gandhi, a professor of medicine and infectious diseases physician at UCSF, in an interview with Dr. Makary, the editor of Medpages, they estimate that in America “100 million to 200-plus million have had the infection.”  This is approaching 30% of the population.  Dr. Gandhi says these people “would have immunity because, like we talked about, even asymptomatic infection can give durable immunity. So, yes, I think a lot of people already have it.”

Gandhi also states,

“The estimates are like unclear what it would take to get to herd immunity, but everyone keeps on using this 70% number because of extrapolation from other infectious diseases and extrapolation from the R0 of this virus, but it doesn’t actually factor in the natural immunity.”

Is what you heard about herd immunity correct? - Gundersen Health System
Herd immunity is coming

So if the general population already had around 40% natural immunity before the pandemic, probably from prior exposure to other coronaviruses, and now after a year of Covid infection there is close to 30% of Covid natural infection immunity, this means we are getting close to 70% (30%+40%) natural immunity in the general population (in America). We might be a little behind here in Canada as our transmission has been less than the US.   No one knows the actual percentage of natural immunity required to reach herd immunity, but if its 70-80%, we are getting pretty close to that number.  When we reach herd immunity the numbers will naturally drop off as the virus will have a difficult time finding non-immune people to infect.  

What does it mean by Herd Immunity from COVID-19 | Narayana Health

So if natural herd immunity is close on the horizon,  and we have effective treatments for Covid if you are one of the few who develops serious Covid symptoms, why do we need to be taking the risk from these experimental vaccines which are not being effectively tracked for side effects?  Maybe the vaccines will work to some extent or maybe they won’t.  The safety profile might be acceptable but according to the VAERS numbers we have seen so far, probably not.  We simply won’t know if active surveillance is not done.  To me, this suppressed climate of information gathering, censored publicity, and general lack of transparency makes it an unnecessary risk to be vaccinated, especially when there are much safer and arguably more effective ways to treat the virus.  And here is the real kicker question, why not just be transparent, what are they trying to hide?

Fairness and transparency. Does your business model make customers love  you? – Stay Relevant

Dr. Johanna Budwig — The Wickenheiser of Alternative Cancer

If you have been following my blogs, I have spent several blogs discussing Dr. William Kelly, who in my opinion is the most prolific practitioner of cancer therapy of all time. That’s why I gave him the title “the Gretzky of alternative Cancer”, referring to Wayne Gretzky, now retired hockey great. Along similar lines, I now want to delve into the cancer therapy of “German Genius”, Dr. Johanna Budwig, whom I will classify as the “Wickenheiser of Alternative Cancer”.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Woman’s International Hockey, Hayley Wickenheiser is a female Canadian hockey player, who is considered by many to be the greatest female hockey player in the world and probably all-time. In Canada, we are very proud of the performance of our men’s and women’s national ice hockey teams who both are reigning Olympic champions. Our woman’s team is captained by Hayley Wickenheiser, who has represented Canada at the Winter Olympics four times, capturing three gold and one silver medal and twice being named tournament MVP. In addition to this, she has also represented Canada in softball in the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia. She is the only non-goalie female to ever play professional men’s hockey, as she played forEskilstuna Linden in Sweden 2008. Being female never stopped her from playing with the “big boys”. So to be consistent with my hockey analogy I consider Dr. Johanna Budwig to be the “Wickenheiser of Alternative Cancer”.

Who is Dr. Johanna Budwig?

Similar to Hayley Wickenheiser, Dr. Johanna Budwig never let her female gender get in the way of her playing with the “big boys” in the medical world. Dr. Budwig (1908-2003) was a German quantum physicist, chemist, and pharmacologist who was allegedly nominated 6 times as a finalist in Nobel Prize voting for her extensive work on oils and essential free fatty acids. She also received doctorates (PHD’s) in physics and chemistry. According to, “In Germany in 1952 she was the Central Government’s Senior Expert for fats and pharmaceutical drugs. She’s considered one of the worlds leading authorities on fats and oils.” This was Germany’s version of the FDA in America, and Dr. Budwig was their national expert. Dr. Lloyd Jenkins ND reports,

“After some 50 years of successfully helping over 2,400 people with cancer and other illnesses regain their health, she knew she was really on to something of monumental importance in the field of health.”

Her numbers may not equal Dr. Kelley’s, but as we shall soon see, her protocol in some way eclipses Dr. Kelley in her ability to revive to terminally sick. Cliff Beckwith, 10 year survivor of Stage IV advanced prostate cancer while using the Budwig diet, says of his research on Dr. Budwig,

“Dr. Budwig to my knowledge had over 1000 documented successes. However, her work was not popular with the Oncology Industry in Europe. Her ideas would have meant a lot of losses in the Food Industry [too]; especially in the fats industry.”

Dr. Budwig claimed a similar success rate to Dr. Kelley at over 90% of her patients. What is all the more impressive is that Dr. Budwig claims to have taken on patients so sick that they were within days or even hours from death, and was able to revive them and get them well. Here are some of her quotes in this regard,

“in fact 99% of the sick that come to see me to use the biological method of cancer therapy, are cancer patients who have had operations and radiation sessions, or who were diagnosed as being too far advanced for an operation to be of any help. Even in these cases health can be restored, usually within a few months, I would say in 90% of cases.”

“I often take very sick cancer patients away from hospital where they are said to have only a few days left to live, or perhaps only a few hours. This is mostly accompanied by very good results.”

What is also so amazing about Dr. Budwig’s protocol, is that it is a fairly simple and relatively inexpensive therapy. To me, one of the greatest signs of brilliance, is someone who can take highly complex information and be able to break it down simply, at even a child’s level. Scientists, doctors, and the intelligentsia who persist at talking in high medical language, really show a lack of intelligence if they are unable to break down their knowledge into laymen terms. Renound Quantum Physicist Max Planck said in this regard,

“When someone thinks he has discovered something new but he cannot as a scientist so express it that everybody understands, then he hasn’t discovered anything new at all

This is what Dr. Budwig was able to do with the deep complexity surrounding the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. The signature aspect of Dr. Budwig’s therapy is the combining of 2 common everyday foods, cottage cheese and flax oil (CC/FO is the abbreviation). If you are thinking, come on Brent, you can’t possibly be saying that cancer can be cured simply by eating a simple mixture of flax oil and cottage cheese. This is not the only part of Dr. Budwig’s protocol, but yes, it is the main part. I don’t blame anyone for being skeptical initially, I know I was when I first read it. Most cancer researchers react the same way until they look at the deeper chemical process behind this food combination. Some completely reject the simplicity of CC/FO to cure disease. Dr. Budwig stated,

“Various highly trained and educated individuals are dismayed and irritated by the fact that serious medical conditions can be cured by cottage cheese and flaxseed oil.”

Dr. Dan C. Roehm M.D. FACP (oncologist & former cardiologist), in the 1990’s investigated Dr. Budwig’s protocol and here is what he concluded,

“I only wish that all my patients had a PhD in Biochemistry and Quantum Physics to enable them to see how with such consummate skill this diet was put together. It is a wonder.”

“This diet is far and away the most successful anti-cancer diet in the world”.

Former Research Director of the National Foundation for Alternative Medicine in Washington DC, Lothar Hirneise said this about the Budwig diet,

“Of all the nutritional theories that I have investigated, Dr. Johanna Budwig’s is definitely number one … Nowhere in the world have I found not even remotely such fantastic cases as with Dr. Budwig. It’s phenomenal.”

H. Wilhelm, one the leading authorities on the budwig diet today, sums up Dr. Budwig’s protocol quite succinctly,

“It is a scientifically well thought out, all natural approach to health, that has a tremendous rate of success and track record… and it costs next to nothing. I think that if it were very expensive and much money could be made on it, it would be much more popular because it would be pushed by business. But as it stands, it doesn’t lend itself to it.”

In fact, the main reason why Dr. Budwig’s protocol is not more widely known in the mainstream cancer world, is that she refused to sell the rights of her therapy for profit. She felt that cancer treatment should not be contaminated by corporate profit. Her fears have been proven correct as cancer now is about a billion dollar/day industry. Dr. Budwig stated,

“I have the answer to cancer, but American doctors won’t listen. They come here and observe my methods and are impressed. Then they want to make a special deal so they can take it home and make a lot of money. I won’t do it, so I’m blackballed in every country.”

What was Dr. Budwig’s understanding of the nature of cancer?

After studying thousands of blood samples from patients suffering from cancer and other chronic disease, she found that the blood of the diseased contained a strange yellowish-green substance (cytochrome) which was substituting the place of healthy, red, oxygen-carrying hemoglobin. The blood of the healthy was more of a bright red and did not contains this yellow-green substance. She then found that this substance was caused by a lack of Omega 3 fatty acids in the sick patients blood versus an adequate supply of Omega 3 fatty acids in the healthy.

Another name for Omega 3 fatty acids is essential fatty acids (EFA’s). One of the main reasons why they are essential is that they are critical at the cellular level. Dr. Kelley looked at how enzymes could break down the thick fibrin layer of the cancer cell membrane so that it could be properly destroyed by the immune system. Dr. Budwig focused on what actually caused the formation of the cancer cell in the first place. Dr. Burzynski has studied how the genes (oncogenes) convert regular cells into cancer cells, but Dr. Budwig focused on how a defective cell membrane results in the creation of cancer cells. As you can see, cancer can be attacked at many different levels, and each of these alternative cancer doctors are solving the “cancer puzzle” piece by piece. Hopefully, one day we will be able to combine them all in a synergistic way and finally put this cancer “devil” in the history books.

As we all know, our body runs electrically and we are dependent on this free flow of energy to survive. Our heart pumps 24 hours a day using this energy, our brain functions electrically on this energy, and Dr. Budwig discovered that our cells also depend on this energy. A typical cell, like an atom, has a positively charged centre (nucleus) and a negatively charged thin outer layer (membrane). Dr. Budwig found that the critical protection for healthy cells is maintaining the negatively charged field of electrons in the outer membrane. When this charge is not properly maintained, cell division is disrupted and the future daughter cells become sick and diseased, thus producing cancer cells. To maintain this field of electrons in the outer membrane, our cells need Omega 3 fatty acids (EFA’s) which are electron rich substances. The EFA’s provide this charge because they come from foods which are exposed to light energy from the sun. The sun gives the EFA’s these negatively charged electrons, and when we eat EFA’s, our cells remain healthy by maintaining a negatively charged membrane. When the membrane is charged properly, oxygen can flow freely into the cell, but when the charge is disrupted oxygen has a difficult time getting into the cell.

The health of our cells is actually a tale of 2 types of fats (oils). When we injest good electron rich fats our cells maintain their charge, but when we injest bad fats our cells lose their electron charge. Dr. Budwig wrote in her book “Flax Oil as a true aid against arthritis, Heart infarction, cancer, and other diseases”,

“This is the crux of the matter. Are all fats the same? Why had fat become so pressingly important at that time? How is it that fats can both cause tumours to form and also to dissolve?….. on the one hand the industrial solidification of fats and, on the other, the enormous importance of natural, electron rich, vital, highly unsaturated fats

We need the good oils which are highly unsaturated fats (EFA’s), and we must avoid the “industrial” bad oils (hydrogenated oils, trans fats). The problem occurs when eat bad oils and fats (ie. trans fats, hydrogenated oils) and they act as free-radicals which disrupt and override the good fats and oils (EFA’s) bonding to the cell membrane. This essentially clogs the oxygen flow into the cells, and they start to suffocate. Dr. Otto Warburg, in 1931 discovered that the root cause of all cancer cells is oxygen deprivation. He received the Nobel Prize for this discovery of cellular respiration. Dr. Warburg wrote,

“…the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements. Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause.”

The North American diet is excessively too high in these bad oils and fats and very deficient in the good fats. The process of hydrogenation, is what is at the core of this problem. Most oils bought in the supermarket have been hydrogenated to increase the shelf life of the canola oils, vegetable oils, margarines, etc… . Hydrogenation is a chemical process which uses high heat to break bonds for hydrogen atoms to bond to. So then, healthy unsaturated fats & oils are converted into unhealthy saturated fats (trans fats). Unsaturated fats have weaker bonds and break down and go rancid when exposed to heat, light, and air. Saturated fats have much stronger bonds and this keeps the oils stable on the shelfs of supermarkets longer.

So, through hydrogenation, the once healthy unsaturated fats now become poisonous trans fats, all for the sake of shelf life!! Nice trade-off!! In fact, much of the food we eat has been modified in various ways for shelf life. There are very few oils that are strong enough to remain healthy when used for cooking and baking oil (ie. grapeseed oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, camelina oil), our problem is that most of the baking and cooking oils we use are hydrogenated (ie. vegetable oil, canola oil, margarines). Our french fries, fried chicken, cakes, pies, donuts, cookies, peanut butter etc… are most of the time cooked in hydrogenated oils. You can see why we have a cancer problem in North America.

These oils lose their electron charge during the hydrogenation process and when they start to bond to the cell membranes, they act like free-radicals and steal away electron charge instead of providing charge to the cell membrane. When enough of this charge of electrons is taken away and not provided by new electron rich EFA’s, the cell short circuits and the battery in the cell become “dead” like a car battery. It is like a car battery losing it negative electrode. Without both a positive and a negative electrode, a car battery cannot flow electricity. If the cell membrane loses its negative electron charge, the cell in a sense loses its negative electrode and the cell charge is “dead”. When this happens our cells become oxygen deprived, they start to suffocate, then the cells do not divide properly, the daughter cells become sick, then cancer cells develop and eventually become tumors. Dr. Budwig puts it like this,

“The formation of tumors usually happens as follows. In those body areas which normally host many growth processes, such as in the skin and membranes, the glandular organs, for example, the liver and pancreas or the glands in the stomach and intestinal tract—it is here that the growth processes are brought to a stand still. Because the dipolarity is missing, due to the lack of electron rich highly unsaturated fat, the course of growth is disturbed—the surface-active fats are not present; the substance becomes inactive before the maturing and shedding process of the cells ever takes place, which results in the formation of tumors.”

How do we restart the battery in the cells?

In Dr. Budwig’s book “Cancer – The Problem and the Solution” she refers to a physicist named Kenneth Ford who in 1966 found that plants absorb solar energy from the sun and this energy is stored in the electrons of the seed oils from these plants. So, it is the seed oils which carry these photons from the sun which provide our bodies this energy when we eat them. Dr. Budwig states,

“And this absorption of solar energy in seeds is already adjusted in the green leaf to certain very specific wavelengths; science refers to this via the quantosomes.”

According to Dr. Budwig, the solution to restarting the cell is two-fold, get the bad out and get the good in. Intake of hydrogenated oils or oils heated above their stability point must be eliminated from our diets. At same time, oils that contain electron rich EFA’s and more specifically, Omega 3 fatty acids, must be taken into our bodies by our diet or transdermally by applying these oils to our skin. Once the bad oils have been eliminated from our bodies, the cell membranes no longer get clogged up with electron deficient oils. When taking in the good oils, the electron charge is re-established in the cell membrane which results in a proper balance of charge (dipolarity) in the cell. Cell then have adequate energy to perform proper functioning and healthy cell division takes place. No more cancer cells are made because the cells receive adequate oxygen, and the existing cancer cells & tumors fade away. The body has been recharged like a lithium battery.


How do we get Omega 3’s to our cell membranes?

Flax Oil vs. Fish Oil vs. Camelina Oil

This is where the flaxseed oil comes into play. Flax oil is considered to be the richest source oil for Omega 3’s in the world today (up to 57% of its content is Omega 3). There is some debate on this issue as fish oils are also very good sources of Omega 3’s (ie. salmon, cod liver, sardines, krill). Cod liver oil has long been used as a health oil due to its high concentration of Omega 3’s as well as its decent levels of Vitamin A & D. Though fish oils are very good sources of Omega 3’s and other vitamins, in our changing world of pollution, there are concerns about mercury, PCB, lead, and cadmium contamination. These poisonous substances have been found in fish, and show up in larger quantities in larger fish. There is also concern that modern fish farming of salmon has been shown to greatly decrease the Omega 3 level in the salmon tissue. Wild Salmon contain good levels of Omega 3 due to their natural diet in the wild. Fish oils have definitely been shown to be an excellent source of Omega 3’s, but vigilance must be done to ensure a lack of contamination.

Dr. Budwig’s protocol centres around the use of field grown flaxseed oil, but before one follows her regimen, one should understand that flax oil has its strengths and its weaknesses. Due to its extremely high level of Omega 3’s it is very powerful, but flax oil is also very fragile. Flax oil is very easily oxidized and must be refrigerated continually, stored in a dark bottle, and not be heated. When stored at room temperature, the shelf life of flax oil is only about 3 weeks, whereas when it is refrigerated it lasts about 4 months. Its smoke point is a very low 225 degrees F, so it is not a cooking oil. When oxidized, flax oil acts like hydrogenated oils by producing the opposite effect that Dr. Budwig intended, by acting like a free-radical causing damage to our cells rather than energizing them.

In my research on flax oil, I came across another oil called Camelina oil, which is sometimes referred to as “wild flax”. It is very similar to flax in Omega 3 content (up to 45%), yet it eclipses flax oil in several ways. First, Camelina contains many anti-oxidants which help combat free-radicals in the body. Second, it is much more stable than flax oil, so it resists oxidation and maintains a long shelf life. This makes Camelina safer in many respects, because there is less concern of rancidity. Third, Camelina oil can be used for cooking as its “smoke point” is much higher at about 475 degrees F, which gives additional options for Omega 3 intake. Lastly, many consider Camelina to be a much nicer tasting oil than flax or fish oil, as it has an almond-like taste and aroma.

Dr. Budwig’s focuses on the use of flax oil, so I would be cautious about substituting Camelina oil in its place though it does makes sense in many ways. If one is finding it difficult to find a retailer that sells refrigerated flax oil, it may make sense to use Camelina. Flax still contains the higher percentage of Omega 3’s, but to me it would make sense to use Camelina at the same time. One must use their own common sense here.

Why mix cottage cheese with flax oil?

Getting the electron rich Omega 3’s from flax oil to our cell membrane requires the right kind of delivery system. Flax oil, on its own, is not soluble in water and therefore not soluble in the blood. Oil and water, simply don’t mix, so to make flax oil soluble in the blood and accessible to the cell membrane, it needs a change in chemical composition. Dr. Budwig found that when flax oil is mixed and bonded to a sulphur-containing protein like cottage cheese or quark (german cottage cheese), this combination then becomes water-soluble and can be carried in the blood and easily absorbed into our cell membranes. According to the Cancer Cure Foundation website,

“Lipids are only water-soluble and free-flowing when bound to protein; thus the importance of protein-rich cottage cheese. When high quality, electron-rich fats are combined with proteins, the electrons are protected until the body requires energy. This energy source is then fully and immediately available to the body on demand, as nature intended”

So as you can see, mixing cottage cheese with flax oil is not some fanciful concoction from a dairy farmer’s bad dream. It is actually designed by Dr. Budwig from many years of scientific study at a cellular level. The cottage cheese acts like a delivery truck for the flax oil. Without the cottage cheese, when one injests flax oil it must go through the digestive system and is not as easily absorbed into the cells. Flax oil on its own does have many health benefits such as constipation relief, heart disease prevention, and cholesterol reduction, but it doesn’t have Dr. Budwig’s cellular energy support without cottage cheese.

When mixing the flax oil with the cottage cheese, Dr. Budwig recommended a ratio of 2 parts cottage cheese per 1 part of flax oil. Ideally, one should work up to taking 3 tablespoons of flax oil mixed with 6 tablespoons of cottage cheese and take this twice daily (morning & evening). The Budwig Centre in Spain gives these instructions on their website on how to properly make this mixture,

  • To make the Budwig Muesli, blend 3 Tablespoons (British dessert spoons) of flaxseed oil (FO) with 6 Tbps low-fat(less than 2%) Quark or Cottage Cheese (CC) with a hand-held immersion electric blender for up to a minute If the mixture is too thick and/or the oil does not disappear you may need to add 2 or 3 Tablespoons of milk (goat milk would be the best option). Do not add water or juices when blending FO with CC or quark. The mixture should be like rich whipped cream with no separated oil. Remember you must mix ONLY the FO and CC and nothing else at first. Always use organic food products when possible.
  • Now once the FO and CC are well mixed grind 2 Tbps of whole flaxseeds and add to the mixture. Please note that freshly ground flax seeds must be used within 20 minutes after being ground or they will become rancid. Therefore do not grind up flaxseeds ahead of time and store.
  • Next mix in by hand or with the blender 1 teaspoon of honey (raw non-pasteurized is recommended)
  • (Optional) For variety you may add other ingredients such as sugar free apple sauce, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon juice, chopped almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews (no peanuts), pine kernels, rosehip-marrow. For people who find the Budwig Muesli hard to take these added foods will make the mixture more palatable. Some of our patients have even added a pinch of Celtic sea salt and others put in a pinch of cayenne pepper for a change

Sandra Olson has provided a video on youtube which gives a good demonstration on how to properly prepare the FO/CC mixture. Click on this link

The Importance of Sunshine

Getting an adequate amount of sunshine is a critical part of Dr. Budwig’s protocol. Once the body has acquired the right oil-protein balance with the cottage cheese and flax oil, the body develops better absorption power to access the healing powers of the sun. Yes, sun-bathing has been a bit of a taboo activity in recent years because it has been connected to possible development of skin cancer. This is true if one is continually getting sunburns and generally over-doing their time in the sun, but many do not realize that getting a proper amount of sun is essential to our health in many ways.

Most know that sunshine is important to maintain adequate vitamin D levels in our body. Vitamin D is a powerful antioxidant that has been linked to preventing many diseases including cancer. Deborah Kotz from the US News writes,

“If you’re fair skinned, experts say going outside for 10 minutes in the midday sun—in shorts and a tank top with no sunscreen—will give you enough radiation to produce about 10,000 international units of the vitamin…..the sunshine vitamin may protect against a host of diseases, including osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancers of the breast, prostate, and colon. What’s more, sunlight has other hidden benefits—like protecting against depression, insomnia, and an overactive immune system.”

It is estimated that about 90% of the Vitamin D we receive comes from sun exposure, though those that live in northern climates (ie. Canada) during the winter time do not get adequate sun exposure. This explains why us northerners tend to get more flu, colds, and other sicknesses during the winter. A study by the Department of Cancer Biology in North Carolina found,

“Believe it or not, prostate cancer rates increase as you move from southern latitudes to northern latitudes. In other words, you are at greater risk the further north you live. Scientists have linked ultraviolet light and vitamin D to a reduced risk of prostate cancer.”

It is quite clear that us northerners need additional vitamin D in the winter time and maybe even half of the year. Taking vacations or extended time in the southern hemisphere (ie. Florida, Caribbean) is not only good for stress relief, but also ideal way to keep your Vitamin D levels up. Not to mention the additional benefits of magnesium & iodine when taking a dip in the ocean. According to the Vitamin D Society other ways to increase your Vitamin D are,

UVB Exposure
Natural Sunlight – 10,000 – 20,000 IU per day, in summer, 10am – 2pm
Tanning Bed with UVB – 10,000 IU per session

Salmon – fresh, wild, 3.5 oz – 400 – 1000 IU
Salmon – farmed, 3.5 oz – 100 – 250 IU
Fortified Milk – 8 oz – 100 IU

Vitamin D3 – from 400 – 1,000 IU in tablets or liquid

Dr. Michael Holick Ph.D, MD gives this summary of the health benefits and disease incidence prevention
that could be achieved by raising the public’s vitamin D levels to 125 nmol/L:

  • Rickets, reduced by 100%
  • Osteomalacia, reduced by 100%
  • Cancers, all combined, reduced by 75%
  • Breast Cancer, reduced by 50%
  • Ovarian Cancer, reduced by 25%
  • Colon Cancer, reduced by 67%
  • Non-Hodgkins, reduced by 30%
  • Kidney Cancer, reduced by 67%
  • Endometrial Cancer, reduced by 35%
  • Type 1 Diabetes, reduced by 80%
  • Type 2 Diabetes, reduced by 50%
  • Fractures, all combined, reduced by 50%
  • Falls, women reduced by 72%
  • Multiple Sclerosis, reduced by 50%
  • Heart Attack, men, reduced by 50%
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease, reduced by 80%
  • preeclampsia reduced by 50%
  • Cesarean Section, reduced by 75%

For Dr. Budwig sunlight has a different importance

Well you can see I am quite the pusher of Vitamin D, but in actuality when Dr. Budwig discusses the importance of sunbeams, she does not mention Vitamin D. Her focus was on the importance of photons from the sunbeams and their interaction with vital activities in our body. It is the interaction of photons from the sun and the electrons in proper food that provide the synergistic effect on healing our body. Eating the electron rich flax oil/cottage cheese mixture, must be connected with adequate exposure to sunlight. According to Mike Vrentas from, Dr. Budwig felt the importance of photons was because they are the purest form of energy, the purest wave, and in continual movement. Dr. Budwig stated,

“electrons are already a constituent of matter, even though they are also in continual movement and that electrons love photons, attracting each other due to their magnetic fields. There is nothing else on earth with a higher concentration of photons of the sun’s energy than man. This concentration of the sun’s energy—very much an iso-energetic point for humans, with their eminently suitable wave lengths—is improved when we eat food which has electrons which in turn attract the electro-magnetic waves of sun beams, of photons

When you eat the FO/CC mixture, your body becomes a better antennae for the photons from the sun. Your body develops a better ability to absorb the energy from the sun and transfer it to your cells to perform their vital functions. You become energized at a deep level, and when this happens diseases fade away. This is why the Budwig protocol not only has success with cancer, but also Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Irregular Heart Beat, Psoriasis, Eczema (other skin diseases), Immune Deficiency Syndromes (Multiple Sclerosis and other Auto Immune Diseases), Diabetes, Lungs (respiratory conditions), Stomach Ulcers, Liver, Prostate, Strokes, Brain Tumors, Brain (strengthens activity), Arteriosclerosis and other chronic diseases.(from

Become a Super hero

I am reminded of the scene in the most recent Superman movie, when Superman was greatly weakened by the Kryptonite island that he chucked out into space, but after he was separated from the kryptonite and he was falling back to earth, the sunlight re-energized him and he became the powerful superman again. For us hydrogenated oils and trans fats are our kryptonite, and our energy source is the combination of Omega 3 fatty acids from our food (FO/CC) which provide electrons to our cell membranes and their interaction with the photons from the sun. When we completely avoid the bad oils and fats (oils actually are fat) and pump in the good oils and fats with adequate sun exposure, we are turned into photon-electron charged “supermen or superwomen” ready to fight the evil diseases whenever they show their nasty heads.

Mike Vrentas also commented on what Dr. Budwig found with her patients,

“Dr Budwig found when she treated patients and had them lie in the sun she noticed they started feeling much better and became rejuvenated. She referred to the sun as having a stimulating effect on the secretions of the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, bladder and salivary glands. Dr Budwig also stated “Matter always has its own vibration, and so, of course, does the living body. The absorption of energy must correspond to one’s own wave length.” It appears apparently that sunlight is absolutely essential for the stimulation effect of the vital functions of the mind and body, contributing to the factors which allow the body to heal itself.”

The Budwig protocol is widely practiced around the world in alternative circles and here is a testimony from Jack Phelan when he began using the FO/CC mixture with sunlight,

“We all felt an increased feeling of general well-being, a feeling of lightness, more energy, better circulation and, when in the sun, I felt the healing power of the sun affecting my skin much differently than before. Also, every week or two, I become aware of feeling better in different ways. Old aches go away, my skin improves and I am able to do things better. One woman felt so good about it that she gave it to her children and said that right away she could see improvements in their skin tone. As she spoke, I saw that her own skin had more color and was radiant. And this was only about two days after she started taking the oil-protein combination.”

What else is there to the Budwig protocol?

It should be clear by now that Dr. Budwig’s main focus was finding a way to get Omega 3 fatty acids into the body to support the electron charge in the cell membrane. Eating the FO/CC mixture was her main focus, but she also used other means to increase Omega 3 absorption in the body. Dr. Budwig recommended transdermal (skin application) of a specific oil mixture called ELDI oil (Electron Differentiation Oils). Mike Vrentas has found that this ELDI oil is something like a 60% flax oil, 40% wheat germ oil mixture. The exact percentage mixture is actually unknown now, but it is somewhere in this neighbourhood. The same ELDI oil that Dr. Budwig used can only be purchased from Germany from Wolfgang Bloching at . These transdermal approaches are to be done in conjunction with the FO/CC diet.

Dr. Budwig used this ELDI oil in 3 different ways to increase Omege 3 absorption in the body. 1

1) Full body oil massage & hot shower

2) Oil packs for specific areas of application

3) Enema oil application

Full Body ELDI oil massage

Transdermal therapy (skin application) is actually a widely used practice used to delivery medication to the body. There are many advantages to administering a medicine transdermally versus orally (by mouth) or intravenously (needle in vein).

1) Transdermal application avoids the stomach acids and digestive enzymes in the stomach and the liver, thus increasing the percentage of medicine that actually makes it to the bloodstream.

2) The large surface area of pores in the skin allows for rapid absorption into the body. When heated (ie. hot shower) our skin pores open wider which allows greater absorption.

3) The skin acts as a protective buffer which allows the medicine to be absorbed gradually and as the body needs. So in a sense it is almost impossible to overdose of any medicine when applied transdermally

Dr. Mark Sircus OMD, promotes transdermal magnesium therapy in the prevention of many diseases. Here is his view on transdermal therapy,

“In fact it is one of the best ways of administering medicines quickly and effectively. Transdermal methods of delivery are widely used because they allow the absorption of medicine directly through the skin….It is not a surprise, when you consider the large surface area of the skin, that when you apply a substance to the entire body, rapid absorption and resultant effect is sufficient to put transdermal administration on par with other ways of administering drugs.”Learn more:
When one receives a full body massage with the ELDI oil, the Omega 3’s are absorbed into the bloodstream. Having a full body massage decreases tension and stress as well, which is important when fighting any disease. This type of treatment beats the heck out of chemo, radiation, or surgery!! Oil massage is a quite enjoyable way to fight disease.
To increase absorption of the ELDI oil, after full body application Dr. Budwig advised a warm shower for 15-20 mins without soap. The warm water opens up the pores on the skin wider and this increases absorption of the ELDI oil. Once this has been done, another shower can be taken with soap to wash off the oil so that it doesn’t get on your clothes. If this is not a concern, then just leave it on without soap. Dr. Budwig recommended this full body application be done 2 times/day (morning & evening).
ELDI Oil Packs
Packs or what is commonly known today as Patches are used to apply medicine to a specific areas of need transdermally. Some may have heard of the nicotine patch to help smokers or Suzanne Somers’ promotion of Glutathione patches which deliver this powerful antioxidant to the bloodstream to battle cancer. Actress, Suzanne Somers has actually done extensive research in the area of alternative cancer research. When reading her books it becomes evident that she is not the dumb blonde she portrayed in her acting career. Her recent book “Knockout” is quite informative.
Dr. Budwig would use oil packs to focus absorption of Omega 3’s in a specific area of concern (ie. tumor, a diseased organ, arthritis at a joint). It would only be used for a local problem, not metastasis. Here is how she would apply the oil pack (from
“Take a piece of cloth made of pure cotton. Cut to size to fit the body part, such as the knee. Soak the cotton, place on the knee etc., cover the cotton with a plastic sheet and wrap it up with an elastic bandage. Leave on overnight. Remove in the morning and wash the knee; repeat in the evening. Keep reapplying the same procedure for weeks. You can also use Eldi Oil R for these local applications. The oil pack is only suitable for local problems (no metastases).”
ELDI Oil Enemas
If you have been reading my blogs on Dr. Kelly, you would have read my lengthy discussion on coffee enemas. Before researching alternative cancer practitioners, I knew little about enemas or why they are used. I have found enemas to be a very common practice because the rectal area gives very direct absorption of medicine to the body. You may notice that all these transdermal methods all avoid the digestive system. Dr. Budwig used enemas to absorb her ELDI oil into the body when someone was so sick that they could not eat the FO/CC. She would use this on patients with little time to live. Here are some instructions on how to properly do an ELDI oil enema,
Heat ……….ccm Eldi Oil R in a bain-marie. Inject the lukewarm Eldi Oil via irrigator, enema syringe etc. Use long rubber tip if preferred. If possible, have patient positioned with knees and elbows on the floor and buttocks slightly raised. When all the oil has been absorbed, have the patient first lie on their right side for c. 15 minutes and then on their left for another 15 minutes
Dr. Budwig did not give exact details on how she did these enemas, but there are many resources on the internet which explain how to do a proper enema.
Other Considerations with Dr. Budwig’s Protocol
Dr. Budwig used other variables that are fairly common with any alternative cancer practitioner, and similar to Dr. Kelley.
1) Eating healthy food as “God intended”. According to “DR BUDWIG STRESSED THAT IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO AVOID UNHEALTHY FOODS & SUBSTANCES such as hydrogenated fats, animal fats, sugar, white flour, preservatives, chemicals and processed foods. Avoid leftovers – food should be prepared fresh and eaten soon after preparation to get the health-giving electrons & enzymes-within 15-20 minutes.”
2) Moderate exercise was advisable but don’t overdo it as your body needs to heal. This helps keep the circulation and lymph system going and transporting those necessary Omega 3’s in the blood.
3) At least 3x a day drink a warm liquid, such as green or herbal teas, sweeten only with raw honey.
4) Take care of your emotional state as we are psycho-somatic beings. Avoid stress and anxiety; take time to relax & enjoy each day. Listen to beautiful music, laugh, do deep breathing, connect with nature, and spend time with people you like. Dr Budwig spoke about the damaging effects of stress.
5) Be careful about taking supplements as some may interfere with the protocol. There is a widely used internet chat room where you can ask questions about more specifics on the Budwig regimen at
6) Dr. Budwig was completely against conventional methods of chemotherapy and radiation. She viewed them at “obsolete”. Here are some of her quotes in this regard,
“The representatives of chemotherapy pose another problem. Our chemotherapy is aimed at destruction of the tumor, and it is recognized that chemotherapies destroy many living cells, and the entire person. Anything that disturbs growth is fatal because growth, as elementary life function, is part of the life process of man. We cannot achieve something good with bad tools.”
“I totally reject radiation and chemo; I also reject hormonal treatment for abdominal cancer. However, operations must be considered very individually. This also applies for tumors in the intestine. I am not a proponent of quickly creating an artificial anus.”
“The promotion provided by electrons built up by the sun and stored in seed oils is important in overcoming the blockages in the tumor, which the obsolete scientists incorrectly fight with growth-inhibiting medications. The growth-inhibiting medications we currently use as chemotherapies are wrong. The energy produced by the X-ray devices is also wrong, because it has a growth-inhibiting effect.”
“The radiations used in official allopathic medicine with synthetically produced radioisotopes works against this life process. It breaks down existing energy depots, destroys the gentle substance of the magnetic fields (spin of the electrons) which are indespensible for the energy transport in human beings.”
Concluding Thoughts on the Budwig Protocol
Dr. Johanna Budwig was truly a German Genius. She was able to compile research from other great scientists (ie. Otto Warburg) to develop an understanding of cancer and chronic disease at a cellular level. Not only that, she was able to develop a simple inexpensive regimen to deliver those all important Omega 3 fatty acids directly to the cells with her flaxseed oil/cottage cheese mixture. She was a tough woman who could humble any scientist or doctor with her wide knowledge of chemistry and quantum physics and their practical relation to chronic disease. Not only did she heal 1000’s of people from cancer and other chronic diseases, her protocol is now practiced around the world, just not in our conventional medical system.
Clearly, the Budwig protocol needs to be tested in official clinical trials, but if you have been following my blogs, the odds are stacked against this. Not only did Dr. Budwig have little use for the Big 3 conventional cancer treatments, her world-renown work on oils has proven there is a real problem in the hydrogenated oil business, processed food industry, and pharmaceutical industry. These are all multi-billion dollar industries that want to keep it that way, so the Budwig protocol is a real threat to them. Dr. Budwig refused to sell out to corporate profit and that is probably why her regimen has remained in the alternative cancer underground. Only time will tell whether our “obsolete” conventional cancer methods will be replaced or at least optioned out by Dr. Budwig powerful cancer protocol.
Why don’t we conclude on a positive note with some testimonials from,
Brain cancer
Sun Nov 30, 2003
I [know] a man in Canada who was a direct patient of Dr. Budwig. His condition was advanced with a tumor in his head called adenoma. His vision was already affected so that he could not recognize the color red anymore.

He went to Germany to see Dr. Budwig in October 1997, came back to Canada and began his treatment. He followed her regimen exactly. Two weeks later he began feeling better. Three weeks later his vision began to improve. A few months later he had the feeling that the tumor was gone. Sometime after that it was confirmed by an independent medical examination. He is well and active and runs his own business. He is still following the Budwig regimen except not quite as strict as before.

The beauty of Dr. Budwig’s protocol is that it is effective against a wide variety of cancers, perhaps all of them – even leukemia. I have not heard of any exclusions.

Breast Cancer

Hello Mr. Beckwith:
I gave a copy of your testimony to a lady who had one breast removed and was given a grim diagnosis that the cancer had spread and that within a year she would likely be back to remove the other one. She had received all the chemo and radiation she could take. The surgeon basically sent her home because there was nothing else they could do. She told me that she had no energy and that she had to give up all her activities. She believed that there was no hope and that it was just a matter of time.

She started the flax oil. For the first few days she felt more tired than ever. The fourth day she began to feel a surge of energy. She continued to feel stronger and stronger. Within a couple of weeks she felt so good that she re-joined all the clubs and activities that she had to abandon before. She went on a trip to Eastern Canada that involved a lot of walking and said that she had no problems at all.

Two weeks ago she had an appointment with the surgeon and found that the other breast was fine and that she had no sign of problems. He told her to come back in a year for another check-up.

She phoned me yesterday to thank me again for the info that gave her life back. According to her, she was already taking vitamin supplements and good eating habits but it was the flax oil that made this miraculous difference. She said that she would continue to take the 5 tablespoons of flax oil in yogurt.


Prostate Cancer

About six years ago a good friend of mine was found to have prostate cancer with a PSA of 10. He was scared to death and had an RP [radical prostatectomy]. The count was 0.0 and he was happy. A few months later it began to rise and again reached 10. He began to use flaxseed oil and cottage cheese at one tablespoon per day. The count went to 13. We talked about it together and he went to three tablespoons per day and the PSA began to drop. The last time I saw him a few months back he told me he had just had a PSA and the count was 0.0. He weighs about 220. In April 2000 he will be eighty.

Lung Cancer

I have endometrial adenocarcinoma stage IV now metastatic to lungs. My many tumors between the lungs have not grown since starting on the [nearly entire] Johanna Budwig protocol 8 months ago. I discontinued chemo last fall (my decision) as I knew I would not survive another treatment. Radiation and surgery are not options, per the doctors. Now my doctors say, “there is no medical explanation for why you are here”.
I feel and look great!
If [someone] has been given a dismal diagnosis, he/she has nothing to lose by trying the Budwig Protocol

Dr. Burzynski movie

I just saw a movie on youtube called “Burzynski” which will probably be out on Netflix pretty soon. If you have been reading my recent blogs on cancer, Big Pharma, and Dr. Kelley, I recommend you watch this movie. While watching this movie, I bet you will find it eerily familiar to what happened to Dr. Kelley. Dr. Burzynski for the past 20 years has developed an entirely different protocol using his invention, called antineoplastons. He started finding success with his treatments especially with brain tumors, and as per usual the FDA and the NCI sent the dogs after him. Check it out and spread the news!! Here’s the link